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网络释义:中国男子篮球职业联赛(Chinese Basketball Association);中国篮球协会;中国男篮职业联赛



abbr.1.cost-benefit analysis

1.中国男子篮球职业联赛(Chinese Basketball Association)如中国男子篮球职业联赛CBA)、中国大学生篮球超级联赛(CUBS)、中国大学生篮球联赛(CUBA)、全国耐克高中篮球 …

2.中国篮球协会中国篮球协会CBA)成立于1949年,总部设在北京市,是中华全国体育总会下辖的单项运动协会之一。中国篮协是具有法人 …

3.中国男篮职业联赛在本赛季的中国男篮职业联赛CBA)中,最“光鲜”的“暴力门”主角当属国家男篮和上海男篮的双料队长刘炜。刘炜在联赛第六 …

4.中国男子职业篮球联赛如中国男子职业篮球联赛CBA),自从实现职业化以后,几乎将篮球发展成为我国第一运动,此外,职业篮球俱乐部在人才 …

5.中国篮球联赛如中国篮球联赛CBA)、中国大学生篮球联赛(CUBA)、全国耐克高中篮球联赛等等。篮球也是青少年在通往重点高校及重 …


7.中国篮球职业联赛是中国篮球职业联赛(CBA)的球队之一,球队目前主场位于辽宁省本溪市。来自“http://zh.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=辽宁 …


1.Just as awkwardly as he made his Chinese Basketball Association debut, Steve Francis has left the Beijing Ducks.史蒂夫-弗朗西斯(SteveFrancis)已经离开北京队,这个结果跟他在中国篮球协会(CBA)的首秀一样尴尬。

2.He could keep his edge in CBA, our team will also benefit from his skills and fans certainly want to see him play at his best years.他在CBA打球可以保持良好状态,我们的球队也可以从他的技术中获益,球迷当然想看到他在自己的巅峰时期打球。

3.Also known as the Component-Based Architecture (CBA), this model focuses on providing services to citizens, not to other SOA participants.此模型也称为基于组件的体系架构(Component-BasedArchitecture,CBA),并集中于为市民而不是为其他SOA参与者提供服务。

4.There's a matter of pride over not wanting to rent players for a few months only to have the lockout end and them abandon the CBA.他们有一种自豪感,这种自豪感趋势他们决定不要那些只能够租过来几个月之后就会抛弃CBA的篮球运动员。

5.Finally, the CBA requires all construction equipment to be retrofitted with the best available control technology to reduce emissions.最后,社区福利协议要求所有的建案都必须采取最佳可控制技术来施作以减少污染排放。

6.The Yao Ming Effect is also influencing the CBA, which actually has no professional connection with the NBA.姚明效应也影响着CBA,CBA事实上和NBA并没有什么职业挂钩。

7.Yao however, is not saying goodbye to the world and will continue to work with his former CBA team, the Shanghai Sharks which he now owns.然而,姚明并没有跟世界说再见,他将继续为他之前效力、现在拥有的CBA球队,上海大鲨鱼队而努力。

8.IN: I definitely took the long, hard road playing in every league that you can imagine was out there from the IBA and CBA.我非常确信自己花了很长的时间,走了很长的路,在各个联盟里打球,就如你所想象的那样从IBA到CBA。

9.Regardless, the Heat probably will have pttle to no wiggle room, even if the CBA calls for rollbacks of current salaries.无论如何,即使新劳资协定允许球员工资削减,热火队也几乎没有回旋的余地。

10.By means of video and statistics, the paper analyzes the apppcation of defensive techniques and tactics between CBA and NBA.用录像和统计方法,对CBA和NBA球队在防守技战术的运用上进行对比研究。