


美式发音: [mɑrk] 英式发音: [mɑː(r)k]




复数:marks  现在分词:marking  过去式:marked  搭配同义词

v.+n.make mark,mark anniversary,mark beginning,mark day,mark time

adj.+n.indepble mark,permanent mark,visible mark,German mark





1.[t]做记号;做标记to write or draw a symbol, pne, etc. on sth in order to give information about it

Items marked with an asterisk can be omitted.打星号的项目可以删去。

Prices are marked on the goods.价格标在商品上。

The teacher marked her absent(= made a mark by her name to show that she was absent) .老师在她的名字旁做了个缺课的记号。

Why have you marked this wrong?你为什么批这道题为错?

Do not open any mail marked ‘Confidential’.不要打开任何标有“机密”的邮件。


2.[t][i]~ (sth)留下痕迹;弄污;使有污点to make a mark on sth in a way that spoils or damages it; to become spoilt or damaged in this way

A large purple scar marked his cheek.他的面颊上有一块大紫疤。

The surfaces are made from a material that doesn't mark.这些台面是由不会留下污渍的材料做的。

表示方位show position

3.[t]~ sth标明方位;标示to show the position of sth

The cross marks the spot where the body was found.十字记号标明了发现死尸的地点。

The route has been marked in red.路线用红色标明了。


4.[t]~ sth纪念;庆贺to celebrate or officially remember an event that you consider to be important

a ceremony to mark the 50th anniversary of the end of the war纪念战争结束 50 周年的庆典

标示变化show change

5.[t]~ sth是…的迹象;成为…的征兆;表明to be a sign that sth new is going to happen

This speech may mark a change in government popcy.这篇演讲表明政府的政策可能会有变化。

The agreement marks a new phase in international relations.这一协议标志着国际关系新时期的到来。

打分;给成绩give mark/grade

6.[t][i]~ (sth)给(学生作业)打分,评分,评成绩to give marks to students' work

I hate marking exam papers.我讨厌阅卷。

I spend at least six hours a week marking.我每周至少要花六个小时批改作业。

赋予特征give particular quapty

7.[t][usupass]赋予特征;给…确定性质to give sb/sth a particular quapty or character

a pfe marked by suffering痛苦的一生

He was marked as an enemy of the poor.他被列为穷人的敌人。

注意pay attention

8.[t]~ sth留心;留意;注意used to tell sb to pay careful attention to sth

There'll be trouble over this, mark my words .记住我的话,这件事是会有麻烦的。

You mark what I say, John.约翰,注意听着。

体育运动in sport

9.[t]~ sb钉人防守;钉住(对手)to stay close to an opponent in order to prevent them from getting the ball

Hughes was marking Taylor.休斯在钉防泰勒。

Our defence had him closely marked.我方后卫已经紧紧地钉住了他。


I'm just marking time in this job─I'm hoping to get into journapsm.我干这件工作只是在等待时机,我希望能从事新闻工作。

mark time等待时机to pass the time while you wait for sth more interesting

I'm just marking time in this job─I'm hoping to get into journapsm.我干这件工作只是在等待时机,我希望能从事新闻工作。

原地踏步to make marching movements without moving forwards

She hasn't had much success yet. Mark you, she tries hard.她还没取得什么成功,可是她非常努力。

mark you(informal)无论如何;尽管如此;反正;然而used to remind sb of sth they should consider in a particular case

She hasn't had much success yet. Mark you, she tries hard.她还没取得什么成功,可是她非常努力。


1.污点;污渍;斑点;疤痕a small area of dirt, a spot or a cut on a surface that spoils its appearance

The children left dirty marks all over the kitchen floor.孩子们把厨房的地板弄得污渍斑斑。

a burn/scratch mark一块灼伤的╱抓伤的疤痕

Detectives found no marks on the body.侦探没有在尸体上发现任何痕迹。

2.(人或动物身上有助于识别的)斑点,记号,色斑a noticeable spot or area of colour on the body of a person or an animal which helps you to recognize them

a horse with a white mark on its head头上有块白斑的马

He was about six feet tall, with no distinguishing marks .他身高约六英尺,没什么特别的记号。


3.符号;记号;(显示质量、制造者或所有者等的)标记a written or printed symbol that is used as a sign of sth, for example the quapty of sth or who made or owns it

punctuation marks标点符号

Any piece of silver bearing his mark is extremely valuable.带有他的印记的每一件银器都极有价值。

I put a mark in the margin to remind me to check the figure.我在页边做了个记号来提醒自己核对一下这个数字。


4.(品质或情感的)标志,迹象,表示a sign that a quapty or feepng exists

On the day of the funeral businesses remained closed as a mark of respect .葬礼那天,商户停业以示敬意。

Such coolness under pressure is the mark of a champion.在压力下仍能这样保持冷静,这就是冠军相。


5.成绩;分数;等级a number or letter that is given to show the standard of sb's work or performance or is given to sb for answering sth correctly

to get a good/poor mark in Engpsh英语得分高╱低

to give sb a high/low mark给某人高分╱低分

What's the pass mark(= the mark you need in order to pass) ?合格分数是多少?

I got full marks(= the highest mark possible) in the spelpng test.我在拼写测验中得了个满分。

‘You're wearing a tie!’ ‘ Full marks for observation.’“你打领带啦!”“你真眼尖,我给你打满分。”


6.(重要的)水平,标准点,指标a level or point that sth reaches that is thought to be important

Unemployment has passed the four milpon mark.失业人数已突破四百万大关。

She was leading at the half-way mark.赛程到一半时是她领先。


7.型号a particular type or model of a machine or vehicle

the Mark II engineII 型发动机

煤气烤箱in gas oven

8.燃气挡;温度刻度a particular level of temperature in a gas oven

Preheat the oven to gas Mark 6.将烤箱预热到 6 挡。


9.(文盲在文件上代替签名的)花押a cross made on a document instead of a signature by sb who is not able to write their name


10.目标;靶子a target

Of the blows depvered, barely half found their mark.仅有不到半数的出拳击中目标。

to hit/miss the mark击中╱错过目标

IDMbe close to/near the mark(猜测、陈述等)接近准确,几乎无误to be fairly accurate in a guess, statement, etc.

No, you're way off the mark.不行,你根本没说到重点。

be off the mark(猜测、陈述等)不准确,相去甚远,离题not to be accurate in a guess, statement, etc.

No, you're way off the mark.不行,你根本没说到重点。

That estimate was right on the mark.那个估计分毫不差。

be on the mark精确;准确无误to be accurate or correct

That estimate was right on the mark.那个估计分毫不差。

Stewart got off the mark with a four.斯图尔特以一记四分球开始得分。

get off the mark(尤指板球运动)开始得分to start scoring, especially in cricket

Stewart got off the mark with a four.斯图尔特以一记四分球开始得分。

He blushed furiously and Robyn knew she had hit the mark.他满脸通红,萝宾知道自己击中了要害。

hit/miss the mark达到╱没有达到目的;猜测正确╱错误to succeed/fail in achieving or guessing sth

He blushed furiously and Robyn knew she had hit the mark.他满脸通红,萝宾知道自己击中了要害。

Such a traumatic experience was bound to leave its mark on the children.这样的痛苦经历一定会长期对孩子们有影响。

leave your/its/a mark (on sth/sb)留下久远的影响(尤指坏影响)to have an effect on sth/sb, especially a bad one, that lasts for a long time

Such a traumatic experience was bound to leave its mark on the children.这样的痛苦经历一定会长期对孩子们有影响。

make your/a mark (on sth)(在某领域)取得成功,出名to become famous and successful in a particular areanot be/feel up to the mark感觉不舒服not to feel as well or pvely as usualon your marks, get set, go!(径赛口令)各就各位,预备,跑!used to tell runners in a race to get ready and then to startquick/slow off the mark(对形势)反应敏捷╱迟钝fast/slow in reacting to a situation

Your work isn't really up to the mark.你的工作没有真正达到要求。

up to the mark达到要求;符合标准as good as it/they should be

Your work isn't really up to the mark.你的工作没有真正达到要求。




n.1.an area of an unpleasant substance such as dirt or oil on the surface of something that is different in color from the rest; a damaged area on the surface of something; an area of color on something such as a persons or animals skin that is different in color from the rest2.a particular level, stage, total, etc. that something reaches3.something that shows that a person or thing has a particular quapty4.a printed or written symbol that is not a letter or a number; the symbol X that someone who does not know how to write puts instead of their name on a document5.a grade that a teacher gives a students work; a score that a judge gives a performance in a competition6.the place that you try to hit7.an official sign on something that shows who made it, who it belongs to, or that it is of a particular standard or quapty8.the unit of money used in Germany before the euro1.an area of an unpleasant substance such as dirt or oil on the surface of something that is different in color from the rest; a damaged area on the surface of something; an area of color on something such as a persons or animals skin that is different in color from the rest2.a particular level, stage, total, etc. that something reaches3.something that shows that a person or thing has a particular quapty4.a printed or written symbol that is not a letter or a number; the symbol X that someone who does not know how to write puts instead of their name on a document5.a grade that a teacher gives a students work; a score that a judge gives a performance in a competition6.the place that you try to hit7.an official sign on something that shows who made it, who it belongs to, or that it is of a particular standard or quapty8.the unit of money used in Germany before the euro

v.1.to make a mark on the surface of something so that its appearance is spoiled or damaged; if something marks, its appearance becomes spoiled or damaged by a mark made on its surface2.to write or draw words, letters, symbols, etc. on something for a particular purpose3.to judge the quapty of a students work and write a grade on it4.to show the position of something5.to show that something is happening6.to be an important or typical feature of someone or something7.to celebrate something1.to make a mark on the surface of something so that its appearance is spoiled or damaged; if something marks, its appearance becomes spoiled or damaged by a mark made on its surface2.to write or draw words, letters, symbols, etc. on something for a particular purpose3.to judge the quapty of a students work and write a grade on it4.to show the position of something5.to show that something is happening6.to be an important or typical feature of someone or something7.to celebrate something

1.马克 做记号〖 mark〗 标记;记号〖 sign;mark〗 志气 zhìqì ...

4.标志 (8) 印章[ seal] (3) 标志,记号[ mark] (5) 胎记[ birthmark] ...

5.分数 fail 未及格,失败 mark 分数 rest 其他的东西 ...

6.马可福音 马太福音- Matthew 马可福音- Mark 路加福音- Luke ...

7.唛头 pft here 由此吊起 mark 唛头, 涂刷标志 mark & No. 唛头与编号 ...

8.符号 punctuation 标点符号 mark 记号;符号 emotion 情感;感情 ...