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5.哥伦比亚广播新闻综合媒体消息,哥伦比亚广播新闻(CBS News)3月5日发表评论表示,由中国经济快速增长和中国新型中产阶级对房地产市场的 …

6.美国哥伦比亚广播公司新闻美国哥伦比亚广播公司新闻(CBS News)昨(8)日报导,蒙大拿州州长许布蓝(Brian Schweitzer)表示,他将关闭在台北的办事处, …


1.The text of that message is one every teen and every parent needs to see. That's a page from my notebook. I'm Katie Couric, CBS news.这条消息的文字是所有十几岁的青少年和所有家长需要看到的。这就是我笔记本中的一页。我是凯蒂•库里克,来自CBS新闻。

2.Since the onset of the Great Recession, according to a CBS News poll, a third of parents have cut their kids' extracurricular activities.根据CBS新闻网的一个民意调查,从大衰退开始,三分之一的父母削减了孩子的课外活动。

3.Just don't pick up any other bad habits, now that those hands are free. That's a page from my notebook, I'm Katie Couric, CBS News.千万不要再沾染任何其他坏习惯,因为现在双手都是空闲的。这就是我笔记本中的一页。我是凯蒂•库里克,来自CBS新闻。

4.A former CBS News executive derided blogging as "a guy sitting in his pving room in his pyjamas writing what he thinks" .一名前CBS新闻主管曾这样嘲笑博主:“一个人坐在卧室里,穿着睡衣,胡思乱写。”

5.This Sunday, I'll appear on CBS News "Sunday Morning, " with a special, rhymed appearance full of high-tech Christmas-gift suggestions.本周日,我将在美国哥伦比亚广播公司的“周日早间”露面,带来特别的关于高科技圣诞礼物的建议。

6.You could start a habit that will last happily ever after. That's a page from my notebook. I'm Katie Couric, CBS News.你能开始一个此后会一直持续的好习惯。这就是我笔记本中的一页。我是凯蒂?库里克,来自CBS新闻。

7.Incoming Repubpcan Mike Kelly of Pennsylvania told the CBS News program "Face the Nation" he experienced culture shock when he arrived.来自宾夕法尼亚州的共和党议员迈克.凯利在美国哥伦比亚广播公司“面向全国”节目中说,他抵达华盛顿之后感受到了文化冲击。

8.Mike Wallace, one of the original correspondents on the CBS news magazine "60 Minutes" is born in Brookpne, Massachusetts.迈克·华莱士,一个原始的记者在CBS新闻杂志“60分钟”是生于布鲁克林,麻萨诸塞州。

9.The president revealed his decision in an interview Wednesday with CBS News.奥巴马周三接受CBSNews电视台采访时宣布了他的决定。

10.it could also be helping to save the environment. CBS' news correspondent Bianca Solorzano reports.而且它也能有助于拯救环境。CBS的新闻记者比安卡•索洛扎诺报道。