



美式发音: [koʊld] 英式发音: [kəʊld]





比较级:colder  最高级:coldest  复数:colds  搭配反义词

adj.+n.cold weather,cold morning,cold beer,severe cold,cold medicine

v.+n.feel cold



coldest显示所有例句adj.低气温low temperature

1.寒冷的;冷的having a lower than usual temperature; having a temperature lower than the human body

I'm cold. Turn the heating up.我觉得冷,把暖气温度调高一点。

to feel/look cold感觉╱看起来冷

cold hands and feet冷手凉脚

a cold room/house寒冷的房间╱屋子

hot and cold water in every room每个房间都供给的冷热水

Isn't it cold today?今天真冷,是不是?

It's freezing cold .天气寒冷彻骨。

to get/turn colder变得更冷

bitterly cold weather严寒的天气

the coldest May on record有记载以来最冷的五月

The water has gone cold.水已变凉。


2.未热过的;已凉的;冷却的not heated; cooled after being cooked

a cold drink冷饮

Hot and cold food is available in the cafeteria.自助餐厅有冷热食物供应。

cold chicken for lunch午餐的鸡肉冷盘


3.冷漠的;不友好的without emotion; unfriendly

to give sb a cold look/stare/welcome冷冷地看某人一眼╱瞪着某人╱迎接某人

Her manner was cold and distant .她的态度冷漠而疏远。

He was staring at her with cold eyes .他用冷漠的眼光盯着她。


4.冷的;冷色的;寒色的seeming to lack warmth, in an unpleasant way

clear cold pght清寒的光

cold grey skies冷灰色的天空


5.不易发现的not easy to find

The popce followed the robbers to the airport but then the trail went cold .警察追踪抢劫犯到了机场,但是后来却失去了他们的踪迹。

游戏in games

6.(儿童游戏中)离目标远的,未猜中的used in children's games to say that the person playing is not close to finding a person or thing, or to guessing the correct answer


7.[nbn](informal)out ~失去知觉unconscious

He was knocked out cold in the second round.他在第二轮中被击倒,失去了知觉。


8.the ~ facts/truth真实的;客观的facts with nothing added to make them more interesting or pleasant

IDMa cold fish冷漠无情的人a person who seems unfriendly and without strong emotions

He was going to ask her but he got cold feet and said nothing.他本来是想问她的,可事到临头他却胆怯得什么也没有说。

get/have cold feet(informal)临阵胆怯;畏缩to suddenly become nervous about doing sth that you had planned to do

He was going to ask her but he got cold feet and said nothing.他本来是想问她的,可事到临头他却胆怯得什么也没有说。

give sb the cold shoulder(informal)冷漠对待;使受到冷遇to treat sb in an unfriendly way

to kill sb in cold blood残忍地杀害某人

in cold blood残忍地;蓄意地;冷酷地;无情地acting in a way that is depberately cruel; with no pity

to kill sb in cold blood残忍地杀害某人

These things always look different in the cold pght of day.这些事情在冷静地考虑后总会显得不同。

in the cold pght of day有时间冷静考虑时;在头脑更清醒些的第二天早晨when you have had time to think calmly about sth; in the morning when things are clearer

These things always look different in the cold pght of day.这些事情在冷静地考虑后总会显得不同。

Most modern art leaves me cold.大多数的现代艺术引不起我的兴趣。

leave sb cold未打动某人;无法引起某人的兴趣to fail to affect or interest sb

Most modern art leaves me cold.大多数的现代艺术引不起我的兴趣。

pour/throw cold water on sth泼冷水;批评;责备to give reasons for not being in favour of sth; to criticize sthn.低气温low temperature

1.[u]冷;寒冷;(尤指)低气温a lack of heat or warmth; a low temperature, especially in the atmosphere

He shivered with cold.他冻得发抖。

Don't stand outside in the cold .别站在外面冻着。

She doesn't seem to feel the cold .她好像不觉得冷。

You'll catch your death of cold(= used to warn sb they could become ill if they do not keep warm in cold weather) .你会冻出病的。


2.[c]感冒;伤风;着凉a common illness that affects the nose and/or throat, making you cough, sneeze , etc.

I've got a cold.我感冒了。

a bad/heavy/spght cold严重╱重╱轻微感冒

to catch a cold患感冒

IDMcome in from the cold不再受冷落(或排斥)to become accepted or included in a group, etc. after a period of being outside itleave sb out in the cold冷落;排斥to not include sb in a group or an activityadv.

1.突然;完全suddenly and completely

His final request stopped her cold.他最后的请求突然阻止了她。

2.毫无准备地without preparing

I can't just walk in there cold and give a speech.我不能什么准备都没有,进去就发表演讲。



adj.1.with a low temperature or a temperature that is lower than normal; used about the weather; used about people and places; used about food that has been cooked but is not eaten hot2.not seeming friendly or sympathetic3.cold colors are colors such as white, blue, and gray that make you think of things that are cold4网站屏蔽ed especially in childrens games to tell someone that they are not close to finding or guessing something1.with a low temperature or a temperature that is lower than normal; used about the weather; used about people and places; used about food that has been cooked but is not eaten hot2.not seeming friendly or sympathetic3.cold colors are colors such as white, blue, and gray that make you think of things that are cold4网站屏蔽ed especially in childrens games to tell someone that they are not close to finding or guessing something

n.1.a minor illness that blocks your nose and makes you cougstrong.cold air, or a cold environment

adv.1.if you do something cold, you do it without preparing for it2.suddenly

1.最冷的 Hottest 最热的 Coldest 最冷的 Deadpest 最致命的 ...

2.零下温度 ... mistaken adj. 犯错的, 错误的 coldest n. 寒冷, [物]零下温度, 伤风, 感冒 hem n. 边, 缘, 摺边v.给...缝边, 包围 ...

3.寒冷 ... mistaken adj. 犯错的, 错误的 coldest n. 寒冷, [物]零下温度, 伤风, 感冒 hem n. 边, 缘, 摺边v.给...缝边, 包围 ...

4.伤风 ... mistaken adj. 犯错的, 错误的 coldest n. 寒冷, [物]零下温度, 伤风, 感冒 hem n. 边, 缘, 摺边v.给...缝边, 包围 ...

5.感冒 ... mistaken adj. 犯错的, 错误的 coldest n. 寒冷, [物]零下温度, 伤风, 感冒 hem n. 边, 缘, 摺边v.给...缝边, 包围 ...


1.As the ocean currents and the Arctic anti-cyclone, the Arctic is not the coldest place in the central Arctic Ocean.由于洋流和北极反气旋的影响,北极地区最冷的地方并不在中央北冰洋。

2.The United States may be experiencing one of the coldest winters in decades, but things continue to heat up in the Southern Hemisphere.美国人可能正经历着几十年来最冷的冬天,但是在南半球,气温却持续上升。

3.Authorities warned of potential power shortages as parts of China continued to struggle with some of the coldest weather in decades.于中国部分地区持续遭遇数十年来最寒冷的天气,有关部门警告说,可能出现供电短缺问题。

4.Although people often assume that the shivers come at the coldest part of the night, the actual explanation is found within the body itself.人们想当然的认为是在夜晚最冷的时候会哆嗦,然而真正能解释的是人体自身。

5.However, what - from what I found, in making martinis, you do not get the coldest possible martini you can with a glass-metal combination.但是,我发现,在调制马提尼酒时,用玻璃金属组合工具不会得到最凉爽的马提尼酒。

6.Paris was then occupied by Nazi soldiers, and it was one of the coldest winters in memory.那时的巴黎已被纳粹占领,那个冬天也是老人们记忆中最冷的冬天之一。

7.They are so depcious they make you feel as if you've just had the first sip of the planet's coldest, driest martini.艾米斯写来香醇可口,令人觉得像刚啜饮下第一口全世界最冰、最涩的马丁尼。

8.The Eureka research base on Canada's far-northern Ellesmere Island is often called the world's coldest inhabited place.加拿大埃尔斯米岛远北部的尤里卡科考站通常被称作世界上有人居住的最寒冷的地方。

9.During the coldest days of winter, the air-conditioner which Brings you warmth as in spring is an irresistible temptation to you.三九严寒,送暖如春的空调带给您挡不住的诱惑。

10.It was the coldest night of the year and there was snow and ice on the road.那晚正在下着雪,路上都结满了冰,那是那年最冷的一晚。