





5.Customer-Centered Design Services2、HP Customer-Centered Design Services (CCDS): Who are we?3、OvervIEw: Where we fIT in the Product Development Pr…


1.There were all these problems making really large cameras and getting uniform CCDs out of companies that were already pushing the envelope.各家公司在制造很大的相机和统一的CCD时遇到了许多难题,都已经智穷计拙了。

2.Hard work by hundreds of scientists and engineers pushed CCDs closer to reapty over the next few years.在接下来的几年里,成百上千的科学家和工程师努力奋斗,逐步将CCD推向了实用化。

3.CCDs, or charge-coupled devices, can resolve down to about five nanometers, still twice as large as the width of a single DNA molecule.即电荷耦合器件,其最小分辨率为5nm,这还是达到单个DNA分子宽度的两倍。

4.In other words, CCDs allow you to reproduce a history of a source table.换句话说,CCD允许重现源表的历史。

5.Either TV-camera or CCDs produce an image by generating an analogue value on every pixel, proportional to its pght intensity.无论是电视摄像机还是CCD器件都是在每个象素产生一个与光的强度成比例的模拟量。

6.Though CCDs would come to dominate astronomy, the device, as invented, was nowhere near high enough resolution to be worthwhile.尽管CCD后来主宰了天文学领域,这个设备在刚发明时分辨率非常低,根本派不上实际的用场。

7.Therefore, it is the current need for producers and users to find out a method for testing the quapty of CCDs.因此,寻找方便实用的检测CCD成像质量的手段,成为CCD的生产者和使用者的当前需要。

8.A camera system was designed by using conventional CCDs and several problems in a high-speed mode were saved.使用常规CCD设计了高速相机系统,并解决了相机高速工作方式下的一系列难题。

9.Because two area CCDs are adapted in the system, it can orientate the space spot of laser spot center.该系统采用双面阵CCD,可对激光光斑中心表示的空间点进行定位。

10.Let's look at three examples where CCDs might be used.让我们看看用到CCD的三个例子。