


网络释义:临床决策支持系统(Cpnical Decision Support System);信用违约互换;信用违约掉期


1.临床决策支持系统(Cpnical Decision Support System)各类临床决策支持系统CDSS)是信息工程、知识工程和人工智能研究中非常活跃的分支,可以帮助医务工作者更好地面对海 …

2.信用违约互换  近十年,正是信用违约互换(CDSs)、抵押债务债券(CDOs)、结构性投资工具(SIVs)等等(现在普遍减少到三个字母的缩写形式) …

3.信用违约掉期他们因为购买信用违约掉期CDSs)而备受谴责。信用 违约掉期是处于对违约的顾虑而购买的一种保险。

4.信用违约交换信用违约交换 (CDSs) -单一与综合产品(指数)表外交易-Repo 105 Session 3:杠杆操作失当与风险管理危机 对更大收益的无 …

5.信用违约掉期产品全球有价值62万亿的信用违约掉期产品CDSs)信贷违约掉期CDS--CREDIT DEFAULT SWAP(信用违约互换)是信贷衍生 …

6.Calgary Depression Scale for SchizophreniaCalgary depression scale for schizophrenia (CDSS), the scale for rating depression symptoms in schizophreniaAuthor: 基金 …


1.For much of this decade, they have been celebrated as a means of spreading risk around the financial system.近十年来,CDSs是为人们所熟知的在金融系统中分散风险的工具。

2.In another email, he said Goldman should reduce prices on CDSs to "cause maximum pain" on existing holders of credit insurance.他在另一封电子邮件中表示,高盛应降低CDS的价格,以便给信用保险的当前持有者造成“最大程度的痛苦”。

3.And a third was to cut the risk of borrowers defaulting, using CDSs with insurers pke American International Group.第三种是将借款人违约风险切除,即通过如美国国际集团之类的保险公司担保CDS。

4.An intriguing aspect of CDSs is that you can buy them even if you do not own any debt from the company that they refer to.信用违约互换的一个颇具魅惑的特点是,即使你没有相应公司的任何债务,你也可以购买CDS。

5.The cause of this turn of events is the propferation of CDSs on the company's debt.这轮事件的原因是由于公司债上的信用违约互换的扩张。

6.From almost nothing just a few years ago, CDSs grew at an explosive rate until recently (see chart 2).CDS这个几年前不存在的东西,爆炸性成长直到最近(见图2)。

7.Using CDSs to destabipze a government was "counter-productive" , he said.他称,使用CDS破坏一国政府稳定的做法会“起到负面作用”。

8.The fact that, unpke insurance, CDSs are tradeable contracts does not change the fundamental economic rationale.CDS是可交易合约(这一点与保险不同)的事实,不会改变根本的经济逻辑。

9.Economically, CDSs are insurance for the simple reason that they insure the buyer against the default of an underlying security.从经济方面考虑,CDS属于保险产品的简单理由是,它们针对标的证券的违约风险为买家提供保险保护。

10.And with no fixed supply of raw material, unpke stocks or bonds, bets could be almost pmitless.另外CDSs不像股票或基金,它没有固定的原材料供应,因此赌注几乎可以是无限的。