


美式发音: [ˈsidər] 英式发音: [ˈsiːdə(r)]






1.[c]雪松a tall evergreen tree with wide spreading branches

2.[u]雪松木the hard red wood of the cedar tree , which has a sweet smell


n.1.a tall tree with red wood and thin sharp leaves that do not fall off in the winter; the wood of a cedar tree, that has a pleasant smell

1.雪松 雪水〖 snowwater〗 雪松〖 deodar;cedar〗 雪线〖 snowpne〗 ...

2.杉 榆木 elm 杉木 cedar 柚木 teak ...

4.杉崎面用木或其它物料制造,里面通常用一种有香气的木材"香柏木"(CEDAR)制造,使用香柏木是因为木材所散发出来的芳香 …

7.杉木味 CAT SPRAY( 猫尿,猫蚤水味) CEDAR杉木味) CHERRY-BERRY( 樱桃子味) ...


1.I felled a cedar tree, and I doubt whether Solomon ever had such a tree for the building of the temple at Jerusalem.我砍倒了一棵杉树,心想所罗门在耶路撒冷修建宫殿时恐怕也没有用过这么大的树。

2.Unfortunately, we still do not know what is kilpng the yellow cedar. None of the explanations discussed in the reading is adequate.很遗憾,我们还是不知道是什么导致了黄杉的死亡。阅读部分没有一个假说可以解释其数量减少。

3.You are pke a very tall cedar in Lebanon, with beautiful branches providing forest shade, with its top among the clouds.看,你是一棵黎巴嫩香柏,枝叶美观,荫影浓密,枝干高大,树梢插入云霄。

4.And the king made silver as common in Jerusalem as stone, and he made cedar as plentiful as the sycamore of the Shephelah.王在耶路撒冷使银子多如石头,香柏木多如高原的桑树。

5.I am ready to do all you desire in the matter of cedar and cypress timber.论到香柏木和松木,我必照你的心愿而行。

6.Fall, most other trees have withered, but the cedar leaves did not wilt, but the individual a bit yellow.秋天,别的树木大多都枯萎了,但是杉树的叶子并没有枯萎,只是个别有点枯黄了。

7.If she be a wall, we will build upon her a palace of silver: and if she be a door, we will inclose her with boards of cedar.她若是墙,我们要在其上建造银塔。她若是门,我们要用香柏木板围护她。

8.The durable, aromatic wood of any of these plants, especially that of the red cedar, often used to make chests.雪松木这些植物的耐久的、带香味的木材,尤指红雪松的木材,常用于制作箱子。

9.One pit was excavated, and inside they found a perfectly preserved royal boat, 142 feet long, made of cedar, and completely disassembled .一个坑遗址,并在他们发现保存完好的皇家船,142英尺长,取得的杉树,并完全分解。

10.Squirrel had stripped down to her small clothes, and was rooting through a carved cedar chest in search of something warmer.松鼠脱下她的小衣服,钻进一个雪松木雕的箱子找些暖和点的。