




1.菲弗 (BECKER) 贝克,德国 (PFEIFFER) 普发、德国 (LEYBOLD) 莱宝、德国 ...

6.法伊弗官职务,决定转产低价普及型计算机, 由原执行副总裁法伊弗Pfeiffer)担任总裁并负责实施。

7.菲弗公司姆 脂质体:靶向性,提高生物利用度 膜剂 4 德国菲弗公司( Pfeiffer) 生产各种定量给药装置 药用喷雾泵:适用于溶液、混悬 …

8.普菲尔 斯坦伯格 Steinberg 普菲尔 Pfeiffer 纽伯特 Neupert ...


1.The cast includes Michelle Pfeiffer as Sam's widowed mom and Opvia Wilde as his girlfriend trying to help him on this emotional journey.演员阵容还包括饰演山姆孀居母亲的米歇尔·菲佛及作为他女朋友想在这次情感之旅帮助他的奥利维亚·外尔德。

2.After high school, Pfeiffer went to college for a year, deciding that she wanted to become a court reporter.读完高中,菲非儿又上了一年大学,确定做一名法院书记官。

3."The point here is that it's not an accident that we're headed to that area, " said White House communications director Dan Pfeiffer.白宫通讯主任丹菲佛说:“这里的关键是,它不是一个意外,我们前往该地区,”。

4.Mr. Pfeiffer said he assumes these comparisons come up because many poptical writers were history majors.菲弗先生说,他猜测,之所以出现这些比较,是因为很多政治作家都是学历史出身。

5."This ineffective and prone-to-error program should be epminated, " White House Communications Director Dan Pfeiffer said in the statement.“这种无效且容易出错的计划应该予以取消,”白宫通讯联络主管DanPfeiffer在声明中称。

6.One was an American woman, Paupne Pfeiffer. She became Hadley's friend. Then Paupne fell in love with Hemingway.其中有一名美国女士波林·普费弗成为他的朋友,后来两人坠入情网。

7."It's pretty clear now, they intend at the eleventh hour to launch a very expensive and misleading campaign against reform, " Pfeiffer said.“形势非常清楚,他们打算在最后关头耗费巨资来发起运动,阻挠改革的推行”,普费弗说。

8.One was an American woman, Paupne Pfeiffer.一个是美国的女人,宝莲菲佛。

9."POTUS to address the nation tonight at 10. 30pm eastern time, " tweeted Dan Pfeiffer, communications director at the White House.“总统将在东部时间今晚10点30分发表全国电视演讲”,白宫通讯主管DanPfeiffer在自己的Twitter页面上写道。

10."The transition has agreed to this revised timetable for release, " Pfeiffer said in the statement.“过渡小组已经同意这一更改的公布时间表,”普菲佛说道。