


美式发音: [ˈseljuloʊz] 英式发音: [ˈseljʊləʊs]






1.纤维素a natural substance that forms the cell walls of all plants and trees and is used in making plastics, paper, etc.

2.(用于制作涂料、漆等的)纤维素化合物any compound of cellulose used in making paint, lacquer , etc.



n.1.a substance that forms the outer layer of plant cells and plant fibers

1.纤维素如:沙藻土(diatomaceous earth)织维素(cellulose),或过滤膜(filter membrane)。

5.细胞膜质醋酸 Carotene 胡萝卜素 Cellulose 植物纤维素 Chlorine 氯 ...


1.If things work out better this time, it still leaves the question of where the cellulose is to come from.即使这回事情开展的比上次顺利,仍然存在问题:纤维素从何而来?

2.The reduced expectations reflect the fact that making fuel out of cellulose turns out to be hard and costly.减少的预期反映出这样一个事实:从纤维素中提取出燃料并不容易且成本高昂。

3.Gelfoam is a cellulose product that promotes the clotting of blood by giving blood sort of a matrix upon which to clot.明胶海绵是一种通过在伤口处提供基质胶,从而促进血液凝结的纤维产品。

4.Examples are shown where the method has been used to monitor the structural changes occurring in wood cellulose during kraft pulping.例子显示的方法已用于监测结构变化发生在木材纤维素硫酸盐法制浆过程中。

5.Porous plastics, rubber, cellulose, or other material, similar in absorbency to this skeleton and used for the same purposes.人造海绵:多孔的塑料、橡胶、纤维质或其他物质,与海绵体的吸收性能相近,用于同等用途。

6.At the moment, only a handful of factories around the world produce biofuel from cellulose. And that fuel is still ethanol.现在,全世界只有少数几个工厂通过纤维素生产生物燃料,而且产品仍然是乙醇。

7.Chitin is the only one positively charged nature of the edible animals, cellulose is different from the normal diet food.甲壳素是自然界唯一一种带正电的可食性动物纤维素,不同于一般减肥食品。

8.In the early stages of a sulfite cook, equal parts of cellulose and pgnin appear to be removed.在亚硫酸盐蒸煮初期,脱木素与脱纤维素程度相当。

9.Over a period of two or three weeks, these fibres meld together to form thin, wet sheets of cellulose that toughen as they are dried out.经过2~3个星期,这些纤维素细丝相互形成薄薄的潮湿的一层纤维素垫子,当它们干燥的视乎就会变得非常坚韧。

10.The invention relates to a solvent method cellulose cotton, a bamboo composite fiber and a preparation method, and is a textile field.本发明涉及溶剂法纤维素棉、竹复合纤维及其制备方法,属于纺织领域。