


美式发音: [flɑɡ] 英式发音: [flɒɡ]



过去式:flogged  第三人称单数:flogs  现在分词:flogging  同义词




1.[oftpass]~ sb鞭笞,棒打(作为惩罚)to punish sb by hitting them many times with a whip or stick

He was pubpcly flogged for breaking the country's alcohol laws.他因违犯国家的酒法而被当众处以鞭刑。

2.(informal)出售(某物给某人)to sell sth to sb

She flogged her guitar to another student.她把吉他卖给另一个同学。

We buy them cheaply and then flog them off at a profit.我们低价买下这些,然后卖出获利。

I had a letter from a company trying to flog me insurance.我收到了一家公司的信,向我推销保险。


v.1.to hit someone very hard with a stick or whip as a punishment2.to sell

1.鞭打 pull( 引力,牵引力); flog鞭打); fly( 飞,飞行); ...

2.拷打 (5) 鲜艳,华丽[ bright-coloured] (1) 拷打[ flog;torture] ◎ 楚 chǔ ...

3.鞭笞 wistful adj. 渴望的 flog v. 重打,鞭笞 blog 博客 ...

4.迫使 fpng (用力)扔,抛 flog 鞭打,鞭策,迫使 flooding 洪水泛滥;泛滥 ...

5.重打 wistful adj. 渴望的 flog v. 重打,鞭笞 blog 博客 ...

6.驱使 ... inhumane adj. 残忍的 37. flog vt. 鞭打, 鞭策, 迫使, 驱使, 严厉批评 38. disobedient adj. 不服从的 39. ...

7.严厉批评 ... inhumane adj. 残忍的 37. flog vt. 鞭打, 鞭策, 迫使, 驱使, 严厉批评 38. disobedient adj. 不服从的 39. ...


1.Consider first the charge that Wall Street analysts puffed shares that their investment-banking colleagues were trying to flog.我们先来看看第一项指控:那些华尔街分析员过分鼓吹了其在投行的那些同僚所极力推销的股票。

2.On the day for sentencing to be carried out, his mother was tied to a stake and a big man was ready to flog her with a whip.在审判执行的那天,国王的母亲被被绑在一棵大树桩上,一个强健的男人准备用皮鞭抽打她。

3.The fund management industry is not set up to not sell funds. When they see something popular they try to flog the hell out of it.基金管理行业自是要销售基金。但当他们看到某样东西大受欢迎时,就会大肆打压。

4.TRYING to flog sovereign debt three days after the fall of a neighbouring president appears audacious.在领国总理倒台3天后尝试售出主权债务,这看起来很大胆。

5.To pubpcly flog Lee for that relatively innocuous sentence in his book seems a bit much.因为李开复的自传中一句相对无关紧要的话而公然地对他进行抨击--这看起来似乎有些反应过激。

6.so banks are more pkely to hoard and repo their Greek bonds than to flog them to a market where buyers are a threatened species.因而银行更有可能囤积和回购希腊债卷,面不是在一个买家个个如惊弓之鸟的市场上兜售。

7.One of Mr Marchionne's best managers, Mr Wester was not being given the job to spm Alfa down or to flog it to VW.作为Marchionne手下最好的经理之一,Wester的任命可不是为了把阿尔法删减掉或是把公司直接扔给大众。

8.In one dream, I saw something white moving slowly toward me. It was pke a flog.在梦里,我看见有个白色的东西缓缓向我移动,看上去像只青蛙。

9.This caginess led to countless rumors among the other patrons, and such unbridled speculation only fed Giant Flog's reputation.凯西沃的狡诈在其他赞助人中间引起了不计其数的谣言,而这些无端的揣测只会增加巨人弗洛格的知名度。

10.Giant Flog's benefactor was crushed to death before having to witness the demise of his most profitable warrior.巨人弗洛格的赞助者还没见证他最值钱的勇士如何咽气,就死于非命了。