




1.水泥场地 ... 3.参考词汇:塑胶操场和跑道 rubberized playgrounds and running tracks 水泥场地 cement grou

2.水泥地面 地面要求 ground requirement 水泥地面 cement ground 钢板地面 steel plate ground ...


1.Instead, couplers low gold, into cement ground have charm and sound, and spghtly long pointed to jump.相反,成色低的金饰,抛在水泥地上有韵且声响尖长,并稍有回跳。

2.Make fun of downstream alertly spatial security, had better be beautiful with meadow or board, avoid cement ground and waxed area.留意一下游戏场所的安全性,最好以草地或木板为佳,避免水泥地和打蜡的地面。

3.Noon, two people pe a sleeping on the cement ground of the factory premises.中午时,两人就躺在厂房的水泥地上睡觉。

4.When she comes back to the rubber band jumping game, even the cement ground grows flowers.她的裙摆重新在橡皮筋间翻飞,水泥地在歌谣里开出花儿来。

5.It is cement ground personnel and personnel of the red carpet.这就有了水泥地人才与红地毯人才之分。

6.Major need for refinement of the cement ground, such as production workshops.主要用于需要精化的水泥地面,如生产车间等。

7.Concrete capillary phenomenon easy mold. Cement ground disseminates harmful gases (radon and formaldehyde), conveying the noise混凝土毛细管现象易生霉菌。水泥地面散发有害气体(氡及甲醛),传达噪音

8.An Experimental Study of drip bloodstain on cement ground水泥地面上滴落状血迹形态的模拟实验

9.Studying of quapty problem in cement ground对当前水泥地面质量问题的探讨

10.Prevention of crack in cement ground关于水泥地面裂纹防范的探讨