




1.我亲你以及浓厚的口音在网路上暴红,最有名的一首歌就叫做「我亲你」(I kiss you),俗滥的歌词相当有趣,让全世界认识相当 …

2.我吻你 my kiss for you 我的吻属于你 i kiss you 我吻你 my kiss to you, 向你献吻 ...

3.我亲吻着你 ... You belong to me 你是我的命中注定 I kiss you,then you fall apart 我亲吻着你,看着你的身影在我怀里破碎 ...

4.我吻着你 ... I will miss you 我会想念你 However,I kiss you 然而,我吻着你 Yet again 却再一 …

5.我亲吻你 You kiss me 你亲吻我 I kiss you 我亲吻你 We are happy all the night 我俩整夜多欢愉 ...

6.如果这世界上 Last Baby 再让我听听你的甜言蜜语 I kiss you 如果这世界上 yeah 泪? ...

7.碰触你的手 COLOGNE 科隆 (德国) I kiss you 碰触你的手 BIG BEN,LONDON 伦敦 (英国) ...


1.You asked me would i kiss you if you are a frog. I said yes even if you can never turn into a prince.你问我,如果你是一只青蛙我会不会吻你,我说:会的,即使你无法变成王子,我也会的。

2.I'm a Western samurai, if I kiss you just because you let me to, how can I keep my image?我怎么说也是个西洋武士,你叫我亲我就亲,那我的形象不是全毁了!

3.Good-bye, my sweet heart. I kiss you and the children many thousand times.再见了,我亲爱的,千万次地吻你和孩子们。

4.Sweetheart: Your pants are off. I kiss you passionately-our naked bodies pressing each other.脱下了你的短裤,我充满激情地吻你,我们赤裸的身体互相压着对方。

5.Maybe When I kiss you next time, I would find the answer.也许下次吻你的时候,我会找到答案。

6.Whoa! Do I turn you on at all when I kiss you baby?宝贝当我亲吻你时是否让你倾心痴迷?

7.What am I going to do with you? Yesterday I kiss you, and you attack me! Today you pass out on me! (Edward)你叫我拿你如何是好呢?昨天我吻你,你打我!今天你又昏过去了。

8.Long: You are so pretty when you are silent. May I kiss you?你沉默的样子真美,我可以吻你吗?

9.Always when we fight, I kiss you once or twice, and everything's forgotten. I know you hate that.总是这样,当我们争吵时,我吻你一、两次,直到你忘掉了所有。我知道你讨厌这样。

10.Ray: Oh, darpng! May I kiss you?噢,亲爱的!我可以吻你么?