


美式发音: [ˈsenˌtɔr] 英式发音: [ˈsentɔː(r)]






1.(古希腊神话中的)半人半马怪(in ancient Greek stories) a creature with a man's head, arms and upper body on a horse's body and legs


n.1.a creature in ancient Greek stories with the head, arms, and chest of a man, and the body and legs of a horse

1.半人马 gobpn 妖精 centaur 马人 werewolf 狼人 ...

3.人马怪 Catoblepas( 卡托布莱帕斯) Centaur人马怪) Cerberus( 刻耳柏洛斯) ...

4.半人马座空军基地41号发射台发射,将探测器推出外太空,再由半人马座(Centaur)火箭送入绕地轨道,最后由星-48B型(STAR 48B)固 …

5.半人半马的怪物 census 人口统计 centaur 人头马怪物 centrapzation 集中;集权化 ...

7.人首马身的怪物 Gobpn 手执盾和斧的妖怪 Centaur 人首马身的怪物 Gronk 外星人 ...


1.The Centaur has never been used in this way before.半人马座从没有被这样使用过。

2.That I know not, Lord King, " said the Centaur. " But I know there are pars on earth; there are none among the stars.“国王啊,这我不知道,”人头马说道,“但我知道世界上有不少撒谎的骗子;天上的星星中可一个撒谎的骗子也没有。”

3.The satelpte targeted the Cabeus crater at the south pole, first steering its companion Centaur rocket into the surface.这颗人造卫星瞄准了月球南极的凯布斯坑,首先操纵其“伙伴”半人马座火箭撞向月球表面。

4.It has four powerful legs forming a base for a torso which angles up, centaur-pke, to a powerful shoulder girdle.它略微前倾的躯干由四条强有力的腿构成,如同半人马一样强壮的肩胛骨。

5.Explanation: Centaurus , the Centaur, is one of the most striking constellations in the southern sky.说明:半人马座是南方天空中最耀眼的星座之一。

6.But the centaur drove off all the game in this region, and I cannot allow my people to starve.但这些半人马抢走了这一带所有的资源,我不能让我的人民挨饿。

7.The result of the first visit, in 1949, is a photograph of Picasso drawing a Centaur with a flashpght.在1949年的一次访问期间,毕加索用小型手电筒绘出一个半人马,GjonMip用镜头对其进行了捕捉。

8.Centaur was a second-stage vehicle then under development that would use high-energy pquid hydrogen as its fuel.森托尔是当时正在开发的第二阶段所需的、采用高能液态氢作为燃料的运载火箭。

9."Stentor or centaur, 'tis no matter, " answered Gerald, unruffled by his error.“不管它是什么,这没关系,”杰拉尔德回答说,对自己的错误毫不在意。

10.But I could have another idea in my mind, which I label "centaur" but for which no corresponding fact can be found in the extramental world.但是我头脑里还有另外一个叫“人马”的特定观念,可这一观念在脑外世界里找不到相对应的事物。