


美式发音: [ˈdʒɔrdn] 英式发音: [ˈdʒɔ:dn]




n.chamber pot



n.1.[Country]the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, located in west Asia

1.约旦 日本( Japan) 约旦( Jordan) 哈萨克斯坦( Kazakhstan) ...

2.乔丹 Vans 万斯 Jordan 乔丹 Kobe 科比 ...

3.佐敦 Hung Hom 红磡 Jordan 佐敦 Kowloon City 九龙城 ...

4.乔登美国乔登JORDAN)控制公司成立于1955年,从开始到现在一直专业生产电厂挡板电动执行机构,特别是在苛刻工况下(比 …

5.约当矩阵的约当(Jordan)标准型是特征值的对角矩阵;转换矩阵的列是特征向量。对于给定的矩阵A, jordan(A)求出非奇异的矩阵V…

6.约旦河  西南亚一王国,因约旦河Jordan)而得名,河名的来源还不清楚,也许起源于希伯莱语的jarden,意为“排水沟”、“河渠”,或ja…

7.陈小春陈小春(jordan)-独家记忆12.先走为敬(好难好难粤语版)作曲陈科妤作词林夕(春)明知会输到跌底还能步行便趁势寻回平日智慧一 …

8.若当为若当(Jordan)块.用- 乘(5.2.1)的第一个方程,加到第 个( )方程上,消去(5.2.1)的从第二个方程到第 个方程中的未知数 , …


1.Yesterday, Coach Eddie Jordan said the all-star forward would "probably" miss his seventh straight game with that strained left hip flexor.昨天,主教练埃迪乔丹说,全明星前锋将“很有可能”由于左髋屈肌的扭伤缺席最近的连续七场比赛。

2.Do not know when to begin the support of LeBron. James had, May be because he admired Michael Jordan's sake bar.不知道从什么时候开始支持勒布朗。詹姆斯了,可能是因为他也崇拜乔丹的缘故吧。

3.In this mode players will drop Jordan in a modern team, with him as a young upstart with a lot of talent.在这个方式中,玩家将会将乔丹置入一个古代球队中,这时的他是一个具有极大天赋的年老的同盟新贵。

4.Then cometh Jesus from Gaplee to Jordan unto John, to be baptized of him.当下,耶稣从加利利来到约旦河,见了约翰,要受他的洗。

5.Jordan, 15, said he tried to grab hold of his friend, but the current separated them as Anthony was pulled downstream.15岁的乔丹称他尝试抓住他,但是水流太过湍急,安东尼被卷到下游。

6.You think of the great athletes of our generation -- Jordan, Woods, Lance Armstrong.想想我们这个时代伟大的运动员们,比如说乔丹、伍兹、兰斯-阿姆斯特朗。

7.A negotiation with Jordan, less immoderate and free of any influence, was more hopeful.同约旦谈判比较有希望,因为它不是那样无节制,而且不为任何人所左右。

8.If he said, "Sibboleth, " because he could not pronounce the word correctly, they seized him and killed him at the fords of the Jordan.以法莲人因为咬不真字音,便说西播列。基列人就将他拿住,杀在约旦河的渡口。

9.I'm sure Michael Jordan would play basketball for free; no one would have to twist his arm to get him on the court.我肯定迈克尔.乔丹是甘愿打篮球的;没有人能够强迫他上场。

10.So it is curious and even remarkable that he took the last-minute decision to add Jordan to a European trip next week.所以,布什总统在最后一分钟决定把约旦添加到下周去欧洲旅行的名单上一件令人感到惊奇和具有标志性的事件。