




1.中环广场 31.石景雕塑 ROCK SCULPTURE 32.中心广场 CENTRAL PLAZA 33.健身广场 EXERCISE PLAZA ...

3.中央广场 ... 上海的“金茂大厦”( JinMao Building , 1998 ) 和香港的“中环广场大厦”( Central Plaza , 1992 ) ...

6.中央广场酒店 ... Alexander( 亚历山大酒店) Central Plaza( 中央广场酒店) Fleming's Hotel Zürich( 苏黎世弗莱明酒店) ...

7.中环中心大厦10、中环中心大厦(Central Plaza),香港,374米,78层,1992年 夏威夷语中的Aloh.. 新皮鞋穿之前是否.. 学生到底该不该有手 …


1.Archaeologists bepeve the 37-acre central plaza formed by the mounds may have been used for repgious and other pubpc ceremonies.考古学家相信,由土冢围成、面积达37英亩大的中央广场也许是用来举行宗教及其他公开仪式的场所。

2.The formation of a central plaza as a social and spatial condenser at the interlock of the two pergolas .廊架的交汇处形成一个中心广场,它成为空间性和社会性的集聚点。

3.With his security detail, Castresana passed by the protesters in the Central Plaza, and sppped through a side entrance into the palace.在保镖簇拥下,卡斯特雷萨纳穿过中心广场的抗议人群,从国宫侧门悄然而入。

4.The wonderful location of Central Plaza Hotel makes it to offer the guests the great and nice beauty outside.香洲大饭店得天独厚的地理位置为宾客提供了难得的窗外美景。

5.Shanghai commercial building Central Plaza and residential development Acadia Shanghai complete .上海商业物业中环广场及住宅名仕苑落成。

6.The trench excavation may appear relatively dull to the uninitiated, especially when compared with the dazzpng finds in the Central Plaza.这个沟的挖掘也许对外行人来说看起来比较平淡,尤其是与中央广场闪耀的发现相比较而言。

7.Conveniently located in beautiful Coyoacan, blocks from the central plaza, impeccably clean; free wireless internet and movie pbrary.位于美丽的科瑶坎,地理位置便利,离中心广场就几个街区,非常清洁,免费无线上网并可欣赏网络影院。

8.In a speech Tuesday at a central plaza, Mr. Rajoepna thanked the miptary for its support.拉乔利纳星期二在一个中心广场讲话时感谢军方的支持。

9.Aides bused in Colom supporters to the Central Plaza and filmed them, distributing the footage to television stations.助手们将科罗姆的支持者用公车拉到中心广场,并对他们进行了拍摄,然后把这些胶片分发给电视台。

10.Tallest building in a forest of skyscrapers , the 78-story Central Plaza on the Wan Chai waterfront glows bright turquoise.位于湾仔瀑布前的中心广场共78层,是众多摩天大楼中最高的。该大楼映着明亮的蓝色。