




1.修改 Paradise Bird 天堂鸟 6.It Was Love (修改) ...

2.可能爱过你 ... 秘密天使 / The Secret Angel 【韩剧】可能爱过你 It Was Love 【韩剧】善良的男人 Nice Gu…

3.那就是爱 ... Doctor Jones— 水叮当乐团... It was love那就是爱 Ebony Eyes— 乌黑的眼睛 ...

4.欧洲流行 ... It Was His Love 因祂的爱 It was love 欧洲流行 it was in love that 就是在爱情里 ...


1.Front of a hazy, tears from his eyes in her hands, she caught my hand a still, and I went to look for the lost wallet, I know, it was love.眼前一片朦胧,泪水从眼角地在她的手上,她一把捉住我的手,依然和我去寻找丢失的钱包,我知道,那是关爱。

2.I knew I would have the strength to go on, and where that strength would come from. It was love that would save me now.我知道我会有力量生活下来,我也清楚那力量会从何而来。现在会拯救我的正是这种爱。

3.Really, it was love of children more thananything else that made him want a pack of his own.是由于爱孩子而不是别的什么,才使得他想要一群自己的孩子。

4.It was love at first sight for marketing executive Lu Yun when he was introduced to his girlfriend two years ago.两年前,(某公司)营销专员陆运(译者注:音译)与女友一见钟情。

5.It was love at first site for one visitor, who snapped it up for a five-figure sum soon after the opening.有个参观者对它一见钟情,开展后不久,便以5位数的总价抢购了。

6.It was love at first site as my husband and I strolled in through the cobblestone entry of the hotel.我和我老公踏进酒店的鹅卵石入口时第一眼觉得酒店漂亮。

7.He made his first movie in 1956. It was "Love Me Tender. " The title song was a big hit.1956年他首演电影,电影名字叫《温柔爱我》,其主题歌曲名震一时。

8.He met a woman at a church dance and I guess it was love at first sight? for both of them.他在教堂的舞会上认识了一个女人,我想他们两个也算是一见钟情吧。

9.I don't know if it was love for the first sight. But it was pretty close. That's a lot of fascination for sure.我不知道那是不是一见钟情,但应该是很接近了,一见着迷是肯定的了。

10.And it was Love, he said, that made him so angry.他说,正是爱,使他如此愤怒。