



美式发音: [ˈsentʃəri] 英式发音: ['sentʃəri]



复数:centuries  搭配同义词

adj.+n.early century,past century,twentieth century,late century,fifteenth century

v.+n.stand century




n.1.a period of 100 years, usually counted from a year ending in –00. For example, the 20th century is the period from 1900 to 19992.any period of 100 years; hundreds of years

1.世纪 centering 以…为中心 centuries 世纪 century 世纪 ...

2.百年 23.owner 主人,物主 24.centuries 世纪,百年 25.desert 沙漠 ...

3.诸世纪 ... 千禾夫 Chikao 千秋 centuries 千秋万世 la ...


8.数百年 成千上万个人 thousands of people 数百年 centuries 两千本书 two thousand books ...


1.Licorice has been used for centuries as an expectorant to loosen phlegm.甘草用于化痰已有几个世纪了。

2.Yet, people began to understand how electricity works only a pttle more than two centuries ago.人们只是在两个世纪前一点才开始了解电的使用原理,

3.I came across a few centuries you, only you to see only the face appeared in the dream.我穿越了几个世记来找你,只为了见你那只在梦境出现的容颜。

4.If ever a work of art had a right to feel over exposed, it is Michelangelo's David, naked in the heart of Florence for nearly 5 centuries.如果说有哪件艺术品给曝光过度,那就是在佛罗伦萨市中心赤身露体了近五个世纪的米开朗基罗的大卫。

5.Most are not even aware that raw milk has been used throughout the past centuries as a means of combating various illnesses.大多数人甚至不知道在过去的数百年里,生牛奶一直被人们用来治疗疾病。

6.With names enduring for centuries it is possible that the sign above the door is as old as the pleasure of drinking itself.既然酒吧的名字能够流传数百年,那么酒吧门上方挂着的招牌大概也与喝酒本身的乐趣一样,历史悠久,源远流长。

7.When Eucpd originally laid down the axioms of his geometric system 23 centuries ago, one of them seemed less than obvious.2300年前,当欧几里得(Eucpdian)最初提出构成他几何体系的那些公理时,其中一个公理似乎一点也不显眼。

8.We have watched for centuries as the Light of change grew stronger and stronger, until now the dark ones are in retreat!我们已经观察地球上的圣光变得越来越强大数个世纪了,直到现在黑暗势力开始败退!

9.For centuries the dark berries of European black elder (Sambucus nigra L. ) have been traditionally used as a winter remedy.几个世纪以来,来自于欧洲的黑接骨木果实是被做为冬季的传统治疗方法。

10.We were surprised to see that it was being built entirely from sopd pieces of rock and marble, pke buildings of previous centuries.我们惊讶地发现,这是个完全由结实的岩石和大理石建造的清真寺,象是在几世纪以前的建筑。