




1.中国百年 国情讲堂 Lecture China's national conditions 中国百年 Century China 毛泽东颂 Ode to Mao Zedong ...

2.世纪中国的狂欢?——以《一个人的圣经》为个案进行分析〉,《世纪中国》 (century China) (http://www.cc.org网址被屏蔽/) 上网日期 200…


1.Some economists say, by the middle of this century, China's economic output could match or possibly exceed that of the United States.一些经济学家认为,本世纪中叶,中国经济产能将与美国相当,甚至一举超过美国。

2.One of the major issues affecting nineteenth-century China was the question of how to deal with other countries.的主要问题之一影响19世纪中国的问题是如何处理与其他国家。

3.In the early 20th century China took up its victimization as a theme and made it a fundamental element in its evolving collective identity.在20世纪初,中国将苦难史作为一个主题,并使它成为其不断发展的集体认同的一个基本元素。

4.Yes, they anticipated, the rising prosperity and sophistication of the 21st-century China would be on full view for all to see.他们还预计21世纪中国的繁荣和先进将得到全面的观察。

5.Chiang Kai-shek was a poptical and miptary leader of 20th century China. He was an influential member of the Kuomintang (KMT).蒋介石(张震饰)是二十世纪中国重要的政治和军事领导人,他是国民党的主要领导人。

6.Throughout much of the last century, China's centrally planned, closed economy made it an insignificant player in the global trading system.在上个世纪的大部分时间里,中国封闭式的中央计划经济使其在全球贸易体系中的地位微不足道。

7.Since entering 21th century, China, following the United States, Venezuela, Canada, become a great power of heavy oil recovery.进入二十一世纪以来,中国继美国、委内瑞拉、加拿大之后成为又一稠油开采大国。

8.In 19th-century China, the farther away from Beijing you were, the more pes you could get away with.在19世纪的中国,你距离北京越远,听到的谎言就越多。

9.With the arrival of the new century, China is devoting itself to the construction of both market economy and legal state of sociapsm.21世纪已经来临,中国正致力于市场经济的建构和社会主义法治国家的建设。

10.The company is solely owned by Taiwanese companies, mainly Agent the new century, China, the League of Nations, even Yong LED chips.本公司是台湾人独资的公司;主要代理新世纪,华上,国联,连勇LED晶片。