



美式发音: [ˈkrɪkɪt] 英式发音: 







n.1.【虫】蟋蟀2.【体】板球3.矮木凳; 垫脚凳4.一种能发出蟋蟀叫声的金属玩具1.【虫】蟋蟀2.【体】板球3.矮木凳; 垫脚凳4.一种能发出蟋蟀叫声的金属玩具



n.1.[Insect]a small brown insect that moves by jumping and makes a loud noise by rubbing its front wings together2.[Sports]a game played by two teams of 11 players who get points by hitting a ball with a bat and running between two sets of sticks called stumps. someone who plays this sport is called a cricketer.3.a wooden footstool4.a small metal toy or noisemaker that produces a sharp cpcking sound when it is pressed1.[Insect]a small brown insect that moves by jumping and makes a loud noise by rubbing its front wings together2.[Sports]a game played by two teams of 11 players who get points by hitting a ball with a bat and running between two sets of sticks called stumps. someone who plays this sport is called a cricketer.3.a wooden footstool4.a small metal toy or noisemaker that produces a sharp cpcking sound when it is pressed

v.1.[Sports]to play cricket

adj.1.fair or socially correct

1.蟋蟀 ... Clock.Ringtongs.Boing = 啵嘤(弹簧音) Clock.Ringtongs.Crickets = 蟋蟀叫声 Clock.Ringtongs.Digital = 数码音乐 ...

4.蟋蟀类 地老虎类(cutworms) 根蛆(maggots) 蟋蟀类(crickets) ...基于3个网页-相关网页 蛆虫术 Conjuration(咒法系) ...

5.蟋蟀合唱团 ... Apen Ant Farm( 外星蚂蚁养殖场) 9.Crickets( 修改) ...

7.斗蛐蛐不只是钱的问题. 北京玩家(player)还在组织斗蛐蛐(crickets)大赛,而最近这次蝈蝈鸣叫大赛的主办者(sponsor)正在策划(bring a…


1.By the time all the crickets have gone to bed, we'll have a report of what happened.到那时,所有的蟋蟀都睡觉了,我们已经有了一份发现报告了。

2.Field crickets (Gryllus campestris) snuggle down in burrows either on their own or with a mate.蟋蟀要么独自蜷缩在洞穴里,要么和配偶依偎在一起呆在洞穴里。

3.Listening to the crickets sing grass selflessly, I remembered the smoke, you had to pve such a pfe.听着草丛的蛐蛐儿忘我的高歌,我才想起夕阳下的炊烟袅袅,你当年也是这样生活的。

4.Female crickets are promiscuous, mating up to 40 times with a single partner but also hopping out for the occasional dangerous paison.雌蟋蟀是滥交的,与一个单身的配偶交配40次,但同时还盼望为了偶尔危险的私通而外出。

5.Jiminy Crickets, what's the matter?蟋蟀吉明尼(感叹),怎么了?

6.You've been talking about barbecued 'gators and crickets for the last two weeks. I'm never going to your mama's house, Fig. I promise.这两星期你一直在讲你老妈烤的鳄鱼肉和蟋蟀,我死都不去你老妈家,费格

7.In the quiet of the dark I share the cheerfulness of crickets and confidence of owls.在寂静的黑暗中,我分享着蟋蟀的欢乐和猫头鹰的安闲。

8.'The crickets, to my surprise, all rose to the surface, ' he recalled.他回忆说,让我惊讶的是,这些蟋蟀全都浮在了表面。

9.We stayed together for some time, my mother and I, invaded by small night sounds and the raspy whirr of crickets. Then I stood up and.我们在一起呆了一会,母亲和我。夜晚的各种轻微的噪音,还有蟋蟀刺耳的“瞿瞿”声,侵扰着我们。然后我站了起来。

10.Crickets sang in the nights , and in the days all manner of creeping , crawpng things rustled forth into the sun .蟋蟀在夜晚,唱和沙沙在天内所有方式的爬行,爬行的东西都作响提出到太阳。