


美式发音: [ˈsɚbərəs] 英式发音: [ˈsə:bərəs]





n.1.in Greek mythology, the fierce dog that guards the entrance to Hades, usually represented as having three heads

1.刻耳柏洛斯 《狗侦探》 benji 1974 《冥府守门狗cerberus 2005 《圣诞节的12只狗 》 the 12 dogs of christmas 2005 ...

5.伯勒斯 斯巴达( Sparda) 塞伯拉斯( Cerberus) 奈文( NEvan) ...

7.赛伯乐周二,美国私人股权投资集团赛伯乐(Cerberus)资本管理公司表示,将出售旗下的枪支生产企业自由集团。据悉,上周五在康涅 …


1."Those things are all dealt with at the Cerberus level, and at this point in time I just can't speak to that, " he said.“这些事都是在Cerberus层面解决,此时此刻我还不能透露这一点,”他说,并称“公司还会存在.我们不会破产。”

2.Cerberus owns Chrysler, while J. P. Morgan is one of the largest holders of Chrysler bank debt and a key lender for GM.Cerberus是克莱斯勒的母公司,而摩根大通是克莱斯勒银行债券的主要持有者,也是通用汽车的重要贷款方。

3.Previously, he had been the senior manager of the office of CEO under Tom LaSorda and before Cerberus ' involvement in Chrysler.此前,他一直是高级经理的办公室兼首席执行官汤姆拉索达和下前地狱犬参与克莱斯勒。

4.As Cerberus has learned to its cost, it is hard to stay out of the spotpght with buy-outs of iconic companies.这是该公司吃尽苦头后得到的教训,若是收购龙头企业的股份就难免成为焦点。

5.If I can give the Cerberus a sop, I shall be at rest for one day.如果我能给这家伙一点甜头,那我就会有一天的安宁了。

6.Cerberus wants you to assemble a formidable team to assist and provides you with two human officers of its own.塞尔伯吕希望您组建一个强大的小组,协助,并提供两项自身的人力人员你。

7.Whether investors can be persuaded to put money their way depends on more than the clarity of Cerberus's strategy, however.然而,能否说服投资者把钱投向冥府守门狗公司所中意的产业,还要看公司的战略是否清晰。

8.For a brief honeymoon period, Cerberus was hailed as a possible savior of the American auto industry.在博龙的高速发展期,这家公司被视作美国汽车产业的救世主。

9.Nonetheless, Cerberus should be able to make Chrysler profitable.无论如何,Cerberus都能使克莱斯勒盈利。

10.Some investors said Cerberus fundholders were pkely to have to accept the sharpest discounts on stake sales in the secondary market.一些投资者表示,Cerberus的基金持有者在二级市场上出售股权时,可能不得不接受大幅折价。