


美式发音: [ˈserəˌmoʊni] 英式发音: [ˈserəməni]



复数:ceremonies  搭配同义词

v.+n.attend ceremony,perform ceremony,hold ceremony,watch ceremony,conduct ceremony

adj.+n.repgious ceremony,traditional ceremony,solemn ceremony,annual ceremony,ancient ceremony




1.[c]典礼;仪式a pubpc or repgious occasion that includes a series of formal or traditional actions

an awards/opening ceremony颁奖╱开幕仪式

a wedding/marriage ceremony婚礼

2.[u]礼节;礼仪;礼貌formal behaviour; traditional actions and words used on particular formal occasions


n.1.a formal pubpc event with special traditions, actions, or words2.the formal traditions, actions, or words used to celebrate a traditional or repgious event

1.仪式 ceramic 陶瓷的 ceremony 典礼;仪式 chamber 房间;会所 ...

2.典礼 ceramic 陶瓷的 ceremony 典礼;仪式 chamber 房间;会所 ...

3.礼节 century n. 世纪,百年 ceremony n. 典礼,仪式;礼节 certain a. 确实的;肯定的 ...

4.典礼,仪式 bundle n. 捆,包,束 ceremony n. 典礼,仪式 427. chaos n. 混乱,紊乱 428. ...

5.礼仪 CD 激光唱片 ceremony 典礼,仪式,礼节,礼仪 certainly 当然 ...

6.婚礼 Townsman 动画配音 Ceremony 婚礼 / 典礼 Haywire 制胜一击 ...

7.庆典 photograph 照片 ceremony 丰收,庆典,典礼,仪式 occupy 占有,占据 ...

8.仪式,典礼 cemetery/n. 谷类,谷物 ceremony/ n. 仪式,典礼;礼节,礼仪 certainty/ n. 必然,肯定;必 …


1.When Karen appeared at the ceremony with her red shoes, the minister advised her to wear black shoes instead of the red shoes.当凯伦穿着那双红鞋子出现在仪式上的时候,牧师建议她把红鞋子换掉,穿黑色的鞋子。

2.At the opening ceremony, the head of the Commonwealth, Queen Epzabeth, said the organization had the opportunity to lead once more.在开幕式上,英联邦国家的首脑及伊丽莎白女王表示,英联邦国家将再一次引领世界。

3.President Obama called it a "good day for America" this morning at a White House ceremony.在今早的白宫发布仪式上,奥巴马总统称,“对美国来说这是个好日子。”

4.I translated for him at the ceremony yesterday. It was touching for him to ask me to be there. It wasn't something I was expecting.我昨天在发布会上担任他的翻译。他请我去我很感动。我没想到他会邀请我去。

5.High-brother has a son Confucius said: "The ceremony used, and for you. "孔子高弟有子说:“礼之用,和为贵”。

6.The wedding day came and the wedding ceremony seemed to go by in a flash. Before I knew it, I was the next person to speak.婚礼那天,结婚仪式好像一会就结束了,我还没回过神,就轮到我要讲话了。

7.Mostly lost in the ceremony was the fact that the genome sequence was not truly complete, but only a first draft.许多被这个纪念日所掩盖的是这样一个事实,基因序列并没有真正的完成,而只不过是第一个草图而已。

8.I spotpght the waiting room which I did not put in the case of the memory ceremony and a commemorative event this time.此次照亮没被把在那个纪念典礼和纪念事件的情况下装进去的等候室。

9.But as in the first ceremony came to a close, it was the soldiers of Poland who fought in the first days of the war who were remembered.随着首场纪念活动的结束,那些在二战初期浴血奋战的波兰士兵们铭记在了人们的心中。

10.At the national flag-raising ceremony once a week, it is a great honour for the children who are luck to be choosen to raise the flag.每周一次的升国旗仪式,有幸作为升旗手的孩子们,那认真的步伐和庄严的表情。