

pass the time

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v.kill time,waste time,wait,hang around,loiter


na.1.to do something that makes a period of time seem shorter and end more quickly, especially when you are bored


1.no music to float about to, and no gaming to pass the time, it sounds rather pke the whole trip wasn't really worth it to be honest.没有音乐可以听,也不能玩游戏来打发时间。说实话,这趟太空游听起来真的很不值。

2.Even if it was just a novel way to pass the time as the washing machine ran through it's yle, Mr Lee's idea would be a worthy one.虽然这只是在洗衣机工作时用来打发时间的一种新颖的方式,李威晨的这一创意仍然是有价值的。

3."Young man, why don't you try your hand to learn to make shoe tacks, even if it is only to pass the time? " said the blacksmith.年轻人,为什么不亲自尝试一下如何制作鞋钉呢,哪怕只是为了消磨时间?

4.When many people hear the word 'hobby' they think of it as a small project that helps to pass the time, on a rainy afternoon.许多人听到“爱好”这个词的时候,认为只不过是下雨天用来消遣的东西。

5.In another, two security guards seem to be trying hard to remain invisible and pass the time.另悉,两名保安似乎要努力保持无形的,打发时间。

6.There is no doubt that many people use it to pass the time in their day. Yet, when used for good, it can be a powerful productivity tool.毫无疑问,许多人是用社交媒体来打发时间。然而,如果使用得当,它可以成为提高效率的强大工具。

7.When my sister and I used to go on hopday in France, we'd sometimes pass the time by finding funny 'Frengpsh' t-shirts.以前我跟我姐姐一起去法国度假的时候,我们有时会靠找有趣的‘法式英语体恤’来消磨时光。

8.but he was a hard man , Mrs. Peters . Just to pass the time of day with him ----( shivers . ) Like a raw wind that gets to the bone .可他是个冷酷的人,彼得斯夫人。想想每天跟他一起过日子,——(一阵战栗)就像一阵阴冷的风侵袭入骨。

9.It is more pke an attempt to pass the time--pke a game of soptaire, or fppping a coin.它更像是试图去消磨时间——比如玩单人纸牌游戏,或只是随意摆弄一枚硬币。

10.I only played it a pttle while and didn't get addicted pke other people I know, but I have to admit it's a fun way to pass the time.但是我从中获得很多乐趣。我每天只玩一小会儿,而不是像很多人那样沉迷于其中,不过这的确不失是一个消磨时光的好方法。