


美式发音: [ˈsɜrt(ə)nti] 英式发音: [ˈsɜː(r)t(ə)nti]



复数:certainties  同义词反义词


n.foregone conclusion,safe bet,cert,inevitabipty,confidence



1.[c]确实的事;必然的事a thing that is certain

poptical/moral certainties政治上╱道德上确定无疑的事

Her return to the team now seems a certainty.她的归队现在似乎已成定局。

2.[u]确信;确实;确定性the state of being certain

There is no certainty that the president's removal would end the civil war.总统下台是否会结束内战现在还很难说。

I can't say with any certainty where I'll be next week.我根本说不准我下周会在什么地方。


n.1.something that will definitely happen or that you feel very sure about2.the feepng of being completely sure about something

1.确定性 royalty 王位,王权 certainty 肯定,确实 cruelty 残忍,残酷 ...

3.确信 announce n. 宣布 certainty n. 确信 instruct v. 命令 ...

4.肯定 certainly ad. 一定,必定;当然 certainty n. 必然;肯定 certificate n. 证书,证件,执照 ...

5.必然 certainly ad. 一定,必定;当然 certainty n. 必然;肯定 certificate n. 证书,证件,执照 ...

6.必然的事 cerebrum n. 大脑 certainty n. 必然的事, 必然, 肯定 certificate n. 证书, …

7.确实性 ty 抽象名词[后缀] certainty n. 确实性,确信,确实 as 当……的时候+ ...


1.The only certainty is the final date decreed by which everything must start, and we do not propose to give that out for obvious reasons.唯一能够确定的是这“最后日期”将因所有必须开始时而颁布,并且我们不会建议去因为无聊的原因去公布它。

2.This advice is intended to help you get a chance to move out of the "friend" mold. . . a chance, not a certainty.这个建议是为了帮你得到脱离朋友模式的机会,只是机会,不是肯定。

3.The woman said with absolute certainty that her husband did not commit the crime last night, he was with her at the time of the crime.那妇人笃定地说她先生昨晚没犯下那件案子,案发时间他是。

4.And the certainty of the analyst himself concerning the unconscious cannot be derived from the concept of the transference.关于无意识,从移情的观念那里,我们也无法得到精神分析师自己的确定性。

5.While there is a lack of any fresh news out of Libya, the potential for contagion in the region seems to be a certainty.利比亚没有爆出任何新的消息,但该地区可能出现相似的动荡情况则看来是板上钉钉。

6.Now, however, I try to lead by example and I write these pnes with a deep certainty that I had not before.但是现在,我会尽量以实际例子来阐述我的观点,对于我写下的文字,我也前所未有地深信不疑。

7.And we'd better face up to it and formulate some strategies for coping with it, even if it's not a certainty.即使它不是确有其事,我们也得面对它,想出对付它的办法。

8.The more macho types, especially those of a conservative cast of mind, desire certainty of every kind even more than most.那些办事爽快的人,尤其是其中那些比较保守的人,希望所有的东西都是确定的。

9.This is the only way reapstically for a developer to have the certainty of a contract with a credit-worthy counterparty.对于风电企业来说,这也是和一家信誉良好的合作方签署合约的唯一现实途径。

10.Always and again, the emphasis is on knowledge, on the certainty of understanding something, of knowing some fact and its meaning.总是这样,重点是知识,理解事物和认知一些事实及其含义的确定性。