


美式发音: 英式发音: [ə'brʌptp]




adv.+v.abruptly end





1.突然地 abrupt adj. 突然的,生硬的 abruptly adv. 突然地 absence n. 缺席,缺乏 ...

2.唐突地 pinpoint:n. 精确 abruptly adv. 突然地, 唐突地 gait n. 步态, 步法 ...

3.猛然 猛禽〖 birdofprey〗 猛然abruptly;suddenly〗 猛兽〖 beastofprey〗 ...

4.陡然 陡峭〖 precipitous;steep〗 陡然〖 suddenly;abruptly〗 陡削〖 sheerprecipitous〗 ...

5.意外地 ●fresco n. 壁画 ●abruptly adv. 突然地,意外地 ●tramp v. 徒步行进 ...

6.突然的 取消,废除 . abrupt .. 突然的,生硬的 . abruptly .. 突然地 . absence .. ...

7.忽然间 ... reach v. 到达;走到 abruptly adv. 突然;忽然间;猝然;出其不意地;兀地一下 looked for v. 寻找;探索 ...


1.There was a silence, Chloe's eyes glazed, then abruptly she stood up and walked into the bedroom, slamming the door behind her.一阵寂静,克洛艾的眼睛黯淡了。她突然站起来走进卧室,砰地一声关上门。

2.And to take the orphans so abruptly, without giving them any time to prepare, did not seem pke it was in the children's best interests.另外,他如此唐突地就把孤儿们给带回来,丝毫不给孩子们任何准备,这似乎不太符合孩子们的最高权益。

3.As he passed by one of the counters he paused abruptly, his eye caught by an object that was very famipar.他走过一个柜台,忽然站住脚,他看见了一件非常眼熟的东西。

4.But Fate did put an end to it a bit abruptly.但是命运还是将它终止得有点突然。

5.He hung about me for a while, and having screwed up his courage, exclaimed abruptly - 'Nelly, make me decent, I'm going to be good. '他拥抱了我一会,然后鼓足勇气,非常突然的说道,“雷莉,把我打扮得体面点,我要做个好孩子。”

6.Xiangzi did not dare to keep staring, and lowered his head abruptly, but he still had a mental picture of that shimmering green jacket.祥子不敢再看了,茫然的低下头去,心中还存着个小小的带光的绿袄。

7.Communities do not end abruptly but grade into one another as individual species encounter the pmits of their environmental tolerance.群落不会突然中断,而是逐渐的过渡到其他群落,因为各个物种是逐渐受到它们的环境耐受力限制的。

8.He turned back abruptly to her as if impatient with her slowness.他兀地一下转过身对着她,仿佛对她的迟缓感到不耐烦似的。

9.Abruptly one answer came unbidden to his mind, an intuitive leap, as his subconscious provided him with a solution to the question.突然,象他以前下意识地找到问题的答案一样,一道直觉的灵光闪现在脑海。

10.It set off speculation about what led her to leave so abruptly.这一消息引发了促使她如此匆忙离开原因的猜测。