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网络释义:美国商品期货交易委员会(Commodity Futures Trading Commission);美国期货交易委员会;美国商品期货委员会


abbr.1.Commodity Futures Trading Commission

1.美国商品期货交易委员会(Commodity Futures Trading Commission)美国商品期货交易委员会(CFTC)最新公布的数据显示,在截至5月14日……详细>>·[长期征文]人生道路上星星点点的财富故事 ·…


3.美国商品期货委员会当美国商品期货委员会CFTC)Chilton谈到电影反斗智多星中Wayne出乎意料地将Garth一人留下应付直播电视摄像机这一片 …

4.美国商品交易委员会美国商品交易委员会CFTC)每周六公布COMEX周二的白银净持仓数据,下图左轴显示商业头寸、非商业头寸净持仓情况, …


1.Someone may even get around to posting his picture in the CFTC's lobby, still adorned with that of his Repubpcan predecessor.甚至有人也许已经在考虑在CFTC的大厅里挂上他的肖像,要知道,那里原本是用他的共和党前任装饰的。

2.Bart Chilton, the commissioner most adamantly in favour of these pmits, said the mooted rules "actually err on the high side" .最坚定支持实行这些限制的CFTC委员巴特•奇尔顿(BartChilton)表示,这些拟议中的规定“实际上偏向于宽松”。

3.At least one large dealer is already developing products to get around the CFTC's impending changes.现在至少已有一家大型交易商正在创新产品以绕过商品期货交易委员会逐渐迫近的改革。

4.A few months ago, the administration had been expected to seek an SEC-CFTC merger as part of its push for reform.数月前外界曾预料美国政府将设法让SEC和CFTC合并,作为推动改革的一环。

5.The Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) had pmits designed to keep any one trader from trading too much of any one market.商品期货交易委员会对交易者的仓位有明确的限制,交易者不可以在任何市场过量交易。

6.The CFTC is working with both panels, which are targeting a vote on the House floor for a single bill next week, he said.他表示,CFTC同时在金融服务委员会以及农业委员会进行有关工作,争取下周能将一份统一的法案提交众议院进行表决。

7.Early this year Mr Dunn said the CFTC should consider new speculative pmits, but he has recently voiced doubts.邓恩今年年初曾表示,CFTC应考虑对投机设定新的限制,但他最近对此表示怀疑。

8.The CFTC said the rules, if adopted today, would affect about 10 large traders, who could then seek exemptions from the pmits.CFTC表示,这些规定若在今天生效,将影响大约10家大交易商,这些交易商随后还可申请豁免这些限制。

9.It is only the second case brought by the CFTC in its three-year-long investigation into oil-price speculation.这仅为CFTC在长达三年的原油价格审查过程中所提出的第二起油价操纵诉讼。

10.In the fall, the CFTC proposed letting dominant players own up to 5 percent of clearinghouses without any cap on their collective ownership.秋季,商品期货交易委员会提议,让主要银行持有最多5%的票据交易所所有权,但对他们的集体所有权没有限制。