


美式发音: [ˈɡreɪdər] 英式发音: [ˈɡreɪdə]






1.first, second, etc. ~…年级学生a student who is in the grade mentioned

The play is open to all seventh and eighth graders.所有七、八年级的学生均可观看此剧。

2.阅卷人;批改作业的人a person who marks/grades students' work or exam papers


n.1.a student in a particular year at an American school

1.平地机 压路机 Roller 平地机 Grader 摊铺机 Finisher ...

2.平土机 graded shop 分级铺位 grader 平土机 gradient 斜度;坡度 ...

3.分类机 grab 抢夺, 攫取, 夺取 grader 分类机,分级机 grain 颗粒,晶粒,粒度;纹理 ...

4.分级机 grab 抢夺, 攫取, 夺取 grader 分类机,分级机 grain 颗粒,晶粒,粒度;纹理 ...

5.平路机 grader man 推土机手 grader 平路机 gradient array 梯度排列;梯度电极系 ...

6.推土机 graded product 分级产品 grader 推土机 gradienter 水准仪 ...

7.平土器平地机 ... graded seed 分级种子 grader 平土器平地机 gradient 坡度 ...

8.分选机 gossypose 棉子糖 grader 分选机 gradient 坡度 ...


1.With the enthusiasm and skill of a second-grader, I set out to help him build the addition.我用着那二级工水平的热情和技能,也开始帮助他完成这个建筑物的附加部分。

2.He thought it would be good for the people in Fort Wayne to hear about this special third grader and her unusual wish.他认为对韦恩堡的市民最好听到这位特别的三年级的故事和她非一般的愿望。

3.Oh, and I'm doing it all with nothing but a backpack the size of one an eighth grader might use.我随身只带了一个也许只有八年级学生大小的背包就完成了所有这一切。

4.Of course, the Bellaire High School ninth-grader's first choice would be playing tennis or hanging out with his friends.当然啦,贝莱尔高中高一的学生在假期中首选的休閒活动仍然还是打网球或是和朋友一起閒晃。

5.It must have been hard for her to tell the awkward, freckle -faced first grader the truth.对妈妈来说,把真相告诉这么一个笨手笨脚、满脸雀斑的一年级小学生,肯定很痛苦。

6.One mother, Zeng Liping, told me that teachers had frowned upon her bringing her sixth grader to Europe.有一位母亲,曾丽萍,告诉我学校老师们不是很高兴她把六年级的女儿带来欧洲旅游。

7.On the first day of school, a first-grader handed his teacher a note from his mother.开学第一天,一个一年级的学生交给老师一张便条,是他妈妈写的。

8.So you've got to take me through pke a sixth grader -- dub, dub, dub, dub -- but without patronizing me.所以,你必需要像对待六年级学生一样,按步就班的说明,但可不要对我摆派头。

9.Her first customer was a second grader, who looked surprised to see a new pbrarian.她的第一个顾客是个二年级的学生。他看到新图书馆里员时很惊讶。

10.The most noticeable change was in my younger brother, who had grown quite a bit and was now a third-grader.最显著显著的变化就是我弟弟,长大了不少,现在是一个三年级小学生。显著