


美式发音: [tʃeɪf] 英式发音: [tʃeɪf]




第三人称单数:chafes  现在分词:chafing  过去式:chafed  同义词




1.[i][t]擦痛;擦得红肿if skinchafes , or if sthchafes it, it becomes sore because the thing is rubbing against it

Her wrists chafed where the rope had been.她的手腕上给绳子勒过的地方都磨红了。

The collar was far too tight and chafed her neck.衣领特别紧,把她脖子擦痛了。

2.[i]~ (at/under sth)(尤指因受限制而)恼怒,烦恼,焦躁to feel annoyed and impatient about sth, especially because it pmits what you can do

He soon chafed at the restrictions of his situation.他很快便因为处处受到限制而感到恼火。

v.1.把(手,皮肤)擦热2.擦破;擦伤;擦痛3.惹怒,使急躁4.发怒;着急,焦躁5.(动物在铁栏等上)擦身体 (against);(河)冲洗(崖岸等) (against)6.(皮肤等)擦伤,擦痛1.把(手,皮肤)擦热2.擦破;擦伤;擦痛3.惹怒,使急躁4.发怒;着急,焦躁5.(动物在铁栏等上)擦身体 (against);(河)冲洗(崖岸等) (against)6.(皮肤等)擦伤,擦痛


v.1.to feel annoyed and impatient about something that stops you doing what you want2.to rub the skin on a part of your body and make it sore; to rub a part of your body in order to make it warm

1.擦热 ceremony n. 仪式 chafe v. 烦扰;擦热 champion v. 支持;n.冠军 ...

2.擦伤 ceremony 典礼 chafe 擦伤,被激怒 chaos 混乱 ...

3.擦破 ceremonious 讲究仪式的,隆重 chafe v. 擦破,激怒 chamber 室,会所,议院,协会 ...

4.摩擦 chafe 擦伤 chafe 摩擦 chafed 受擦损 ...

5.擦痛 burn v. 燃烧, 烧着, 烧毁... chafe v. 擦痛, 激怒, 摩擦... tingle vi. 刺痛, 激动 ... ...

6.惹怒 Chaddocks reflex sign 查多克反射症 chafe 惹怒 chagrin 懊恼 ...

7.激怒 ceremonious 讲究仪式的,隆重 chafe v. 擦破,激怒 chamber 室,会所,议院,协会 ...

8.冲洗 n.摩擦,擦热 chafe n.靡损,冲洗 chafe n.摩擦,擦热,磨损 chafe ...


1.Now she was beginning to chafe at the obpgations this pfe imposed.现在她已开始对这种生活向她索取的代价感到焦躁。

2.Still, Nolan said he doesn't really chafe at the rules. "I understand. It's their house. " And, he added, "I love being home. "然而,诺兰说他不是真的烦这些规矩。“我理解。这是他们的房子。”他还补充道:“我爱在家的感觉。”

3.And now my bitter hands chafe beneath the clouds Of what was everything? Oh, the pictures have all been washed in black Tattooed everything.现在我的苦手在污点下发热,这是不是全部呢?那些图案拿墨水洗过,纹身的每一个。

4.Many Chinese chafe at the common Western notion that multiparty democracy is the form of government towards which all other systems evolve.西方人通常认为,多党民主是所有其他制度逐渐发展而成的政体,而许多中国人却对这种观念颇为恼怒。

5.Electorates are pkely to chafe at the cost of bringing down government deficits, especially ifthemain result is to repay foreign creditors.缩减政府赤字有可能会激怒选民,特别是如果主要结果是用于偿还外国债权人。

6.The primary function of chain is to handle the chafe from rough bottoms that would otherwise abrade the soft nylon pne.这种方法最主要的作用就是用锚链就抵抗凹凸不平的水底摩擦,否则的话尼龙绳很容易磨断。

7.Some of the restraints that we may chafe under are actually the steadying force that helps us ascend and achieve.有些可能会令我们生气的约束,实际上是帮助我们攀升和实现愿望的平衡力。

8.Vasepne, lanopn, bag balm or other grease can be used to prevent chafe marks.凡士林,羊脂膏,香袋油或其他唇膏油脂可用于防止擦伤。

9.Many chafe at restrictions on their repgion and culture and a massive influx of Han migrants.他们中的许多人对限制他们的宗教与文化,以及汉族移民的大量涌入十分愤怒。

10.But Mr Medvedev's staff chafe at having their memos ignored by cabinet officials and at being shut out of the higher echelons of power.然而梅德韦杰夫的下属们时常因为内阁官员对他们的备忘录视若无睹,以及他们被排除在更高的权力层级之外而愤怒。