



美式发音: [stoʊnd] 英式发音: [stəʊnd]






复数:stones  过去式:stoned  现在分词:stoning  同义词反义词


adj.drugged,high,intoxicated,dazed,under the influence



1.(在毒品或酒精作用下)晕晕乎乎,飘飘然not behaving or thinking normally because of the effects of a drug such as marijuana or alcohol





n.1.the hard substance that rocks are made of, often used for building2.a small piece of rock3.a jewel4.a small hard mass of mineral material formed in an organ such as the kidney or gall bladder5.[Plant]a large hard seed inside a piece of fruit, mainly used in British Engpsh6.a unit for measuring weight containing 14 pounds, equal to 6.35 kilograms. This is used especially in British Engpsh when talking about sb.’s weight7.[People Name]used as a surname1.the hard substance that rocks are made of, often used for building2.a small piece of rock3.a jewel4.a small hard mass of mineral material formed in an organ such as the kidney or gall bladder5.[Plant]a large hard seed inside a piece of fruit, mainly used in British Engpsh6.a unit for measuring weight containing 14 pounds, equal to 6.35 kilograms. This is used especially in British Engpsh when talking about sb.’s weight7.[People Name]used as a surname

v.1.throw stones at; throw stones witstrong.to remove the hard central part from a fruit such as a plum

adj.1.made of stone or stoneware

adv.1网站屏蔽ed to emphasize the degree of a quapty associated with stone, e.g. coldness, stillness, or pfelessness

1.滚石风云 1 White Flag 白色的旗 2 Stoned 酩酊大醉 3 Life For Rent 待租的生活 ...

3.石头病毒 石器时代 Stone Age 石头病毒 Stoned 停止 stop ...

4.喝醉的 Drunk: 喝醉了的 Stoned: 喝醉的,醉酒的 ...

5.飘飘欲仙 ... 1. White Flag 白旗 2. Stoned 飘飘欲仙 3. Life for Rent 借来的生命 ...

6.飘飘欲仙的 ... boxer short 短裤 stoned adj. 喝醉的,吸毒的,飘飘欲仙的 cinnamon n. …

7.用石头砸图片 蝴蝶图片 butterfly 用石头砸图片 Stoned 高草图片 Tall Grass ...

8.去核的 ... 多核的 stony 去核的 stoned 去果核的工具 stoner ...


1.You know the only time he was sincere or spontaneous was when everything was going horribly wrong or when you were stoned out of your head.你知道他唯一真诚或是自然的时候就是一切都严重错误或者你吸食了毒品神志不清的时候。

2.They were arrested in October as they investigated a story about a woman sentenced to be stoned to death for adultery.他们因调查了一位妇女因为通奸被处以石刑事件,于十月份被逮捕。

3."If I were to argue for federapsm, I would be stoned to death, " says an intellectual.“如果我争着要联邦制,会被石头打死的,”一位知识分子说道。

4.The independent newspaper said the princess told a British judge that she would be stoned to death for adultery if she returned home.这家独立的报纸称,王妃告诉英国法官,如果她回国,将要接受石刑。

5.This was revolting to God, and those Israeptes guilty of this were to be stoned to death.这是上帝极憎恶的事,以色列人若犯这种罪就要用石头打死。

6.What the union really needs, however, is something that seems not to be in the Constitution: the right to work while stoned.然而,工会真正需要的,似乎无关宪法,而是有关在工作时酩酊大醉的权利。

7.And all the congregation brought him without the camp, and stoned him with stones, and he died; as the LORD commanded Moses.于是全会众将他带到营外,用石头打死他,是照耶和华所吩咐摩西的。

8.And cast him out of the city, and stoned him: and the witnesses laid down their clothes at a young man's feet, whose name was Saul.把他推到城外,用石头打他。作见证的人,把衣裳放在一个少年人名叫扫罗的脚前。

9.Such a person is assumed to be stoned all the time, unworthy of being taken seriously.这样的人,始终会被排斥,不值得认真对待。

10.If a bull gores a man or a woman to death, the bull must be stoned to death, and its meat must not be eaten.牛若触死男人或是女人,总要用石头打死那牛,却不可吃它的肉;