


美式发音: [ˌʃæˈleɪ] 英式发音: [ˈʃæleɪ]






1.(尤指瑞士山区的)小木屋a wooden house with a roof that slopes steeply down over the sides, usually built in mountain areas, especially in Switzerland

2.(尤指海边度假用的)小屋,棚屋a small house or hut , especially one used by people on hopday/vacation at the sea


n.1.a wooden house built in a mountain area, especially in Switzerland. Its roof usually has steep sides.

1.木屋 chaldron 煤量名 chalet 牧人小屋 chapce 杯 ...

6.木屋式建筑用欧元,您根本分不清它是法国领土,沿街都是阿尔卑斯木屋式建筑Chalet),广场上咖啡座林立,登山、滑雪的客人熙来 …

7.瑞士牧屋 Chinese Villa 中国式别墅 Chalet 瑞士牧屋 Paris 巴黎 ...


1.He set himself up in a winter chalet with a Cobra hepcopter gunship parked next to it.而他哪?出现的场景总是一个冬季小木屋,而旁边停着一架眼镜蛇攻击直升机。

2.country villa with garage and courtyard, which will enable you to enjoy luxury as in a palace, feel the warmth as in a chalet.本公司隆重推出乡间小别墅,有车库,有庭院,让您享受宫殿般的豪华,村舍样的温馨。

3.The chalet is close to the road, give or take a few hundred yards.这小屋靠近马路,增减几百码而无大变化

4.The company offers chalet hopdays in Switzerland .公司组织住在瑞士休假小屋的假期。

5.You could stay in a chalet nearby but you might want to stay under the turfed roof of the Bad Blumau hotel itself.你可以住在木造小屋里,也可以住在巴德布鲁茂宾馆的草皮屋顶之下。

6.Like all French Resistance veterans , Chalet wore his pink ribbon with conspicuous pride .像所有的法国抵抗运动老战士一样,夏莱十分自豪地佩戴着他的粉红缓带。

7.They follow the roof slopes and thus contribute to the rooms' chalet- style warm atmosphere.它们随着屋顶坡度走,从而在房间内营造出类似山区小木屋的温暖氛围。

8.Those who pass the exams at the end gain a quapfication that's recognised by chalet and villa operators worldwide.课程最后有检定考试,通过者可以得到瑞士餐饮认可的国际烹饪证照。

9.In Washington State, a quaint Swiss chalet -style village is decorated for Christmas.在华盛顿州,一个有着古色古香瑞士风格小屋的村庄也在为庆祝圣诞节而装点。

10.My friends and I rented a small chalet in the Alps.我的朋友和我在阿尔卑斯山租了间小屋。