




1.可挑战的 alluringly 诱人地 challengeable 可挑战的 challenged 残障的, 挑战的 ...

2.挑战性的 ... take up the challenge 应战 challengeable 挑战性的 challenge 挑战;怀疑 ...


1.For swarm-robot formation control, a useful and challengeable subject, stabipty is one of principal aims in its control system design.组群机器人系统的队形控制是一个具有广阔应用前景和富有挑战性的研究方向,而稳定性,则是该类系统设计必须首先达到的目标。

2.Consequently, it is a challengeable attempt to invite residents to participate the original community planning and designing.因此社区构造过程中让居住者从源头参与规划和设计,则是一个具有挑战性的尝试。

3.Ms. Zhang is expert in leading her team to complete major legal issues under challengeable circumstances.张琳律师善于在富于挑战的环境中带领团队圆满完成重大法律事项。

4.The integrated art curriculum is a challengeable and open course .综合艺术课程是一门具有挑战性、开放性的课程。

5.The Chinese are much more challengeable now than USA basketball was, but it won't be an easy task.现在的中国人远比当年的美国兰球更具挑战性,这可不是一件容易的事。

6.In the development of the mobile communication, location management is one of the most important and the most challengeable problem.在移动通信的发展中,位置管理是移动通信技术发展中最重要最具挑战性的问题之一。

7.Global Hotel will cross the first year of its pfe, and meet the challengeable 2007.《全球酒店》即将跨越人生的第一个年头,迎来充满挑战的2007年,希望与梦想如期而至,欢笑与歌唱掷地有声。

8.F. Found more challengeable job找到更富挑战性工作