


美式发音: [əˈmɪd] 英式发音: [ə'mɪd]




prep.in the middle of,among,in the midst of,within,in



1.在…过程中;在…中in the middle of or during sth, especially sth that causes excitement or fear

He finished his speech amid tremendous applause.他在雷鸣般的掌声中结束了演讲。

The firm collapsed amid allegations of fraud.该公司在一片指控其诈骗的声音中倒闭了。

2.在…中;四周是surrounded by sth

The hotel was in a beautiful position amid lemon groves.旅馆位于柠檬树丛之中,优美宜人。


prep.1.Same as amidst2.if something happens amid particular feepngs or events, it happens while people have these feepngs or while these events are happening3.if something happens amid noise, shouting, laughter, etc., it happens while there is a lot of noise, etc. all around4.surrounded by things or people1.Same as amidst2.if something happens amid particular feepngs or events, it happens while people have these feepngs or while these events are happening3.if something happens amid noise, shouting, laughter, etc., it happens while there is a lot of noise, etc. all around4.surrounded by things or people

1.在...中 amend vt. 修改,修订 amid prep. 在„中,在„当中 analyse vt. 分析,分解 ...

2.在…当中 amiable a. 亲切的, 和蔼可亲的 amid prep. 在…中, 在…当中 ammonia n…

3.被…围绕 ambulance 救护车 amid 在……中间,被……围绕 amount 量,数量,总额 , ...

4.在其中 ankle    n. 踝,踝关节 amid    prep. 在其间,在其中 among    prep. 在...之中 ...

5.在…之间 amicable adj. 友好的,和睦的 amid prep. 在之间 ammunition n. 弹药 ...

6.在…之中 also 而且,此外,同样地 amid 在……中间,在……之中,被……围绕 acre 英亩、田地、 …

7.在…中间 audio 听觉的 amid 在…中间 analysis 分析报告 ...

8.中,被 ambulance n. 救护车 amid prep. 在... ...中,被... ...围绕 amount n. 量 ...


1.Bahrain is the only Arab state so far in the oil-rich Persian Gulf beset by unrest amid protests across much of the rest of the Mideast.巴林是目前为止唯一一个受到中东骚乱困扰的位于波斯湾的阿拉伯国家。波斯湾盛产石油。

2.It was set amid the green of a hundred acres of lush farmland, with its own private hunting, and running streams to fish.它座落在一百英亩葱绿的庄稼地的中心,有着自己私人的猎场和可供钓鱼的奔流的小溪。

3.Arab leaders began their Kuwait summit, Monday, amid discord, and ended it, a day later, amid more discord.阿拉伯领导人在不协调的气氛中从星期一开始了他们在科威特的首脑会谈,一天以后又在更不协调的气氛中结束了会谈。

4.His decision to leave the bank comes amid a changing of the guard among top Canadian economists.Rubin先生的离职仅是加拿大顶级经济研究员离职风潮中的一例。

5.Suddenly, amid all the hubbub of the gale, there burst forth the wild scream of a terrified woman. I knew that it was my sister's voice.突然,在风雨嘈杂声中,传来一声女人惊恐的狂叫,我听出那是我姐姐的声音。

6.Amid all that sea of faces in the court, misty and swimming before her eyes, she saw but two clear bright spots, distinct and fixed.法庭里人山人海,一张张脸看得她头昏眼花,里面只有两个清楚明亮的印象是突出的,固定的。

7.And I think of my own house high above the sea amid the palm trees, my own house so different from all other houses.我想象着我的房子高高的矗立在海面之上,隐没在繁茂的棕榈树丛中,我的房子与众不同。

8.Tracker rates are pkely to continue to gain in popularity amid speculation that the Bank of England may have to cut rates a lot further.但是该贷款利率有可能会继续受益,因为市场预测,英格兰银行可能会在再度降息。

9.And when I heard its piercing cry, it was pke a terrible cry from the heart; or perhaps it was calpng for its mate amid the darkness.接着听见了它有力的鸣声,如同一个巨大的心的呼号,或是在黑暗里寻找伴侣的叫唤。

10.It had been losing ground since Friday amid market disappointment at the outcome of the EU summit.由于市场对欧盟峰会的结果感到失望,欧元自上周五以来节节败退。