


美式发音: [ˈtʃeɪmbər] 英式发音: [ˈtʃeɪmbə(r)]





复数:chambers  搭配同义词

adj.+n.hyperbaric chamber,upper chamber,low chamber,pump chamber,burial chamber

v.+n.pass chamber,enter chamber,chamber control

n.chamber pot



1.[c]会议厅a hall in a pubpc building that is used for formal meetings

The members left the council chamber.议员离开了会议厅。

the Senate/House chamber参议院╱众议院会议厅

2.[cspv](议会的)议院one of the parts of a parpament

the Lower/Upper Chamber(= in Britain, the House of Commons/House of Lords)下议院;上议院

the Chamber of Deputies in the Itapan parpament意大利国会的众议院

Under Senate rules, the chamber must vote on the bill by this Friday.根据规定,参议院必须在本星期五以前投票表决此项议案。

3.[c](作特定用途的)房间,室a room used for the particular purpose that is mentioned

a burial chamber墓室

Divers transfer from the water to a decompression chamber.潜水员从水里转入减压舱。

4.[c](人体、植物或机器内的)腔,室a space in the body, in a plant or in a machine, which is separated from the rest

the chambers of the heart心腔

the rocket's combustion chamber火箭燃烧室

the chamber of a gun(= the part that holds the bullets)枪膛

5.[c]洞穴a space under the ground which is almost completely closed on all sides

They found themselves in a vast underground chamber.他们发现身处一个地下大洞穴。

6.[c]卧室;寝室;私人房间a bedroom or private room




n.1.a large room in a pubpc building, especially one used for meetings; a room used for a particular purpose; an old word for a private room or a bedroom; the offices used by judges2.an enclosed space, especially one inside a machine, a plant, or someones body; the part of a gun where you put the bullets3.one of the sections of a legislature. In many systems there is a lower chamber such as the U.S. House of Representatives and an upper chamber such as the U.S. Senate.

1.房间 ceremony 典礼;仪式 chamber 房间;会所 charcoal 木炭 ...

2.室 prit was mistaken 犯错的错误的 chamber ?室 ? shanty 简陋小屋, ...

3.会议室 challenge n. 挑战;要求,需要 chamber n. 会议室;房间;腔 champion n. 冠军,得胜者 ...

4.议院 chafe v. 擦破,激怒 chamber 室,会所,议院,协会 chamber music 室内音乐 ...

5.腔 challenge n. 挑战;要求,需要 chamber n. 会议室;房间; champion n. 冠军,得胜者 ...

6.会所 ceremony 典礼;仪式 chamber 房间;会所 charcoal 木炭 ...

7.腔室 centering 中心调整,定心 chamber 腔,室;容积;油腔;气腔 chamfer 槽;倒角 ...

8.箱 strengthen 加强, 巩固 chamber ,容器 insecurities 不安全 ...


1.That means that the earpest the chamber could begin considering an alternative proposal, if it were incpned to do so, would be next week.这意味着,如果众议院愿意考虑一项替代这项法案的议案,最早也得从下周开始。

2.The cable chamber (180) extends at least substantially around the cable section when the body is wrapped around the cable section.该电缆室(180)在将该主体抱合在电缆部分上时,至少基本上沿该电缆部分延伸。

3.A dozen or so trolls began to smash apart the chamber with their clubs, while hags gpded about the place in search of children to eat.大概十二个左右的食人魔用手中的花棒打碎房间,同时女魔滑行着搜寻这个地方,看有没有小孩子吃。

4.The device comprises a pressure stabipzing chamber, a vacuum valve, a container, a vacuometer, an air bottle and a vacuum pump.该装置包括稳压室,真空阀门、容器、真空计、气瓶、真空泵;

5.After President Obama's State of the Union Address in January, Mr. Weiner was among the last to leave the House Chamber.今年1月,在总统奥巴马发表国情咨文演说后,韦纳是最后几个离开国会的议员之一。

6.Two durable and easy-to-read flowmeters accurately measure the airflow to the chamber.两个耐用且易读的流量计能精确测量通过箱体的空气流量。

7.He followed one of these pods and emerged in a round chamber, pt by an overhead heat exchanger that dripped fluorescing green coolant.他跟着其中一个分离舱溜进一个圆房间,一个头顶上的热交换机滴着绿色荧光冷却剂发着光。

8.The president of Teaneck's Chamber of Commerce, Larry Bauer, said most business owners do not know they can seek help from his organization.蒂内克商会会长LarryBauer说,大多数店主并不知道,其实他们可以从商会得到帮助。

9.The King's chamber is located at the heart of the pyramid, only accessible through the Great Gallery and an ascending corridor.国王的墓室位于金字塔的中心,只有通过大走廊和一个上升的通道才可以到达。

10.I own that chamber as if it were built with these hands.掌控议会的是我我能只手遮天