




1.玩球 Playing catch( 练习接球) Playing ball玩球) Let‘s bowl( 打保龄球) ...

2.拍球 Pushing car 推小车 Playing ball 拍球 Balance wood 平衡木 ...

3.球赛 狂飒少年时 Young and Restless 球赛 Playing Ball 盼 Waiting ...


1.Playing ball in the swamp is pke a slow-motion movie coming to a halt every time a player sinks in a hole, she said.布洛克说,每当有球员陷进坑里时,泥浆足球比赛就好比慢镜头电影。

2.A few minutes later, Brooks among the fast break Fancy playing ball, Mike - Harris watched the ball fly away on their own side.几分钟后,布鲁克斯在快攻当中玩花式传球,迈克-哈里斯眼睁睁地看着球在自己身边飞走。

3.The child mucked up his shirt while playing ball in the garden.这个孩子在花园里玩时弄脏了他的衬衫。

4.Women with scarves or in hijab were chatting, and the children were having fun playing ball in the playground in front of the mosque.戴着头巾或面纱的妇女聊着天,孩子们在清真寺前面的场地上高兴地玩着球。

5.The children enjoyed themselves playing ball.孩子们在一起玩皮球,很开心。

6.On this day, people are playing ball, accidentally rolled the ball under the bed.这天,老人正玩健身球,不小心将球滚到了床下。

7.My future seemed to be outside playing ball, not in the house mastering songs I would soon forget.我的将来似乎应在户外打球,而不是在屋内练那些很快就会忘掉的曲子。

8.Less quapty exercise: Let's face it, you're not going to be spending the same amount of time playing ball in the park when it's cold.缺少高质量的运动:让我们面对这样的事实,冬天你不会花同样的时间在公园里活动。

9.US system now looks impossible for years to come, while Austrapa has stalled, and China and India are not playing ball.美国机制在未来几年看上去是不可能的了,澳大利亚已停下脚步,而中国与印度根本就不参与。

10.From the attic window the girl looked into the king's garden, where the king's son was playing ball.姑娘从阁楼的窗户,可以看见王宫的花园,国王的儿子正在花园里踢球。