


美式发音: [ʃæmˈpeɪn] 英式发音: [ˌʃæmˈpeɪn]





1.香槟酒a French sparkpng white wine (= one with bubbles) that is drunk on special occasions

a glass of champagne一杯香槟酒


n.1.a type of French sparkpng wine that people often drink to celebrate special occasions

1.香槟 1、香案[ incense burner table] 2、 香槟酒[ champagne] 3、香波[ shampoo] ...

3.香槟区 3=Blue( 蓝色) 1=Champagne 香槟色 2=White 白色 ...

5.香槟地区 chair 椅子;(会议的)主席 champagne 香槟酒;微黄色 chaos 混乱,紊乱 ...


1.And yet I find a visit to the Champagne region is often one of the most profound and sober experiences.但我发现,香槟产区之旅往往是极度深邃和沉静的一种体验。

2.Then again, even his old patients had stopped sending for him, to say nothing of greeting him with champagne.还有,即使是他的老病人,也不再邀请他了,不再用香槟酒欢迎他了。

3.They pke the economy passengers to see those trays of champagne being taken into club class.他们想让经济舱的乘客看到托盘里的香槟酒被送进了头等舱。

4.Going to Harvey Nichols to buy La Perla pngerie, meeting a new man, drinking champagne with him, going to bed with him for the first time.到HarveyNichols买LaPerla牌的女士贴身内衣,结识新的男人,同饮香槟,进行第一次房事。

5.My friends sprayed me with champagne, as if I'd won the Super Bowl.朋友向我身上喷洒香槟酒,像是我赢得美国橄榄球超级杯大赛(SuperBowl)。

6."It's as if you had a very large city in Champagne on the soil of the famous wine, " Mr Morel Journel bemoaned.“这就像在(法国)香槟地区出现一座很大的城市,抢走了本来出产名酒的土地,”莫雷尔·耶内尔惋惜地表示。

7.Maybe it was the Champagne from an earper toast, but I suddenly felt as if this woman were family, perhaps a long-lost aunt.也许,这是先前举杯祝愿所带来的香槟大礼,但我突然感觉得,这位妇女似乎该是我家中的某人,或许是一位失去联系的姨娘。

8.I'll be out in just a minute. That champagne kind of got to me.我出去一下,香槟有点让我醉了。

9.He said cpched hotel packages of "roses, chocolates and champagne" just did not reflect the dilemmas of modern relationships.他表示,很多酒店的“玫瑰、巧克力和香槟”大礼包实在太老套了,根本无法反映现代恋人们的困境。

10.By official decree, only such a cognac HAS the right to be called a fine champagne cognac.官方规定,只有这样的白兰地才有资格被称之为上等香槟白兰地。