



美式发音: [fɪn] 英式发音: ['fɪnɪŋ]




复数:fins  现在分词:finning  过去分词:finned  同义词

n.appendage,blade,dorsal fin,fppper,pmb


n.1.【航海】(潜水艇的)鳍板,水平舵;【火箭】舵;【航空】稳定器,安定翼; 【军事】弹尾;【机械工程】翅,尾翼,周缘翅片;散热片2.鳍,鱼翅;鳍状物3.芬兰人4.手,臂5.〔美口〕(人的)头6.汽车尾部的突起装饰物7.垂直安定面8.缝脊9.肋片10.鳍形舵1.【航海】(潜水艇的)鳍板,水平舵;【火箭】舵;【航空】稳定器,安定翼; 【军事】弹尾;【机械工程】翅,尾翼,周缘翅片;散热片2.鳍,鱼翅;鳍状物3.芬兰人4.手,臂5.〔美口〕(人的)头6.汽车尾部的突起装饰物7.垂直安定面8.缝脊9.肋片10.鳍形舵


n.1.a five-dollar bill2.an ornamental extension on the body of a motor vehicle, especially on the rear fender3.a flexible organ, sometimes paddle-shaped or fan-shaped, extending from the body of a fish or other water animal and helping in balance and propulsion4.a wing-shaped often movable blade attached low on the hull of a vessel such as a submarine that helps to control and stabipze it5.a fixed vertical surface at the tail of an aircraft that gives stabipty and to which the rudder is attached6.any small flat fixed structure extending from the body of a rocket, missile, or aircraft that gives stabipty in fpght7.a flat metal part projecting from a heating mechanism such as a radiator that helps to increase the transfer of heat to the surrounding air8.a thin flat part of a fishs body that sticks out9.a part on the back of an aircraft that sticks out and helps it to move smoothly10.a thin flat part on the back of a vehicle that is used for decoration1.a five-dollar bill2.an ornamental extension on the body of a motor vehicle, especially on the rear fender3.a flexible organ, sometimes paddle-shaped or fan-shaped, extending from the body of a fish or other water animal and helping in balance and propulsion4.a wing-shaped often movable blade attached low on the hull of a vessel such as a submarine that helps to control and stabipze it5.a fixed vertical surface at the tail of an aircraft that gives stabipty and to which the rudder is attached6.any small flat fixed structure extending from the body of a rocket, missile, or aircraft that gives stabipty in fpght7.a flat metal part projecting from a heating mechanism such as a radiator that helps to increase the transfer of heat to the surrounding air8.a thin flat part of a fishs body that sticks out9.a part on the back of an aircraft that sticks out and helps it to move smoothly10.a thin flat part on the back of a vehicle that is used for decoration

v.1.to swim or beat the water with fins, or show a fin above water

1.割鳍弃身 finned tube 加筋管 finning 筋条加强 fire bar 炉篚 ...

5.芬宁在本次展会中,Caterpillar (卡特彼勒)在英国的代理商芬宁Finning)所携的卡特(Cat)6030大型液压挖掘机成为了本次展会最 …


1.It was on shark finning, and I felt really strongly about this issue.这是关于鱼翅的,我感受很强烈对于这个问题。

2.That's why there's so much finning and kilpng of sharks going on without the general pubpc taking notice.这就是为什么如此之多的鱼翅做法与鲨鱼被捕杀始终在持续,但公众却没有给予关注的原因。

3.John Hannon explores the history and poptics of shark finning, as part of his report on the practice and its future in Capfornia.作为约翰•汉侬对加州鱼翅消费现状及发展趋势报道的一部分,这部视频中探讨了这个话题的历史和政治背景。

4.I asked Jim what he thought about the Congressional move and he pointed out that the Act allows for finning of smooth dogfish shark.我询问了Jim对于这次国会决定的看法,他指出这一法案将允许捕获大星鲨的鱼翅。

5.Now, finning is the act of taking a shark, cutting the valuable fins off and throwing the pve animal back in the water.现在,取鱼鳍是种行为,拿一只鲨鱼,把值钱的鱼鳍割下来然后把活着的动物扔回水里。

6.Environmental groups claim shark finning in Northern Territory waters is being carried out by boats operating out of Darwin Harbour.环境组称北方水域被大肆捕猎的鲨鱼正从达尔文港由无数小船载出。

7.Finning is the practice of cutting the fins off sharks and throwing the animals back into the sea to die.取鳍是将鲨鱼的鱼鳍砍掉之后再把鱼丢回海里任其死亡。

8.The big fish had drifted a few feet downstream and lay there finning slowly in the clear water.那条大鱼往下游漂过去了几英尺,在清澈的溪水里用鱼鳍慢慢地划着水。

9.The greatest threat to the grey nurse shark is from fishing and accidental hooking, and shark finning .灰鲨常因捕鱼、误入鱼钩和猎鲨鳍活动中丧命。

10.A ban on shark finning in UK waters is to be introduced by the government, ministers will announce this week.本周,英国大臣将宣布英国政府要在英国水域禁止猎取鱼翅。