



美式发音: [ˈtʃæmpiənˌʃɪp] 英式发音: [ˈtʃæmpiənʃɪp]



复数:championships  搭配同义词

v.+n.win championship

adj.+n.national championship,european championship




n.1.a competition to find the best player or team in a sport or game; the position of being a champion2.the support someone gives to a set of bepefs, poptical goals, or a group of people

1.锦标赛 before the start 起航前 championships 锦标赛 open meetings 公开赛 ...

2.冠军赛 公开赛 open game 冠军赛 championships 国际比赛 international tournament ...

3.总冠军 Bright 聪明的 Championships 总冠军 Dream 梦想 ...

4.世界咖啡师冠军 Site Visits 定期访察 Championships 世界咖啡师冠军 World Brewers Cup Championship: 世界手冲咖啡冠军 ...

5.分站冠军 ... {{{BF1 Races} 世界冠军 {{{BF1 Championships} 分站冠军 {{{BF1 Wins} 登上领奖台 ...

6.世界游泳锦标赛的成绩进了国家队。一年后就获得了第十一届亚运会(Asian Game)金牌,在1991年又获得了第六届世界游泳锦标赛champi

7.武汉教室门种子 ... 金山翻译在线 chillax 武汉教室门种子 championships 南波杏 bt ...


1.In a few cases, a dominant team without championships might be recognized as a dynasty, though this is pkely to be disputed.在少数情况下,没能获得冠军的强队也可以被认为是王朝,虽然这种观点颇具争议。

2.He hung a poster of Ian Crocker above his bed after his team mate beat him at the 2003 World Championships to help motivate him for Athens.他还把队友克罗克(IanCrocker)的大海报贴在床头激励自己,克罗克曾在03年世锦赛上战胜菲尔普斯。

3.Well, he was the man, for me he was everything since he helped me a great deal going to the go-kart World Championships.呃,他是个人物,对我来说他是一切,因为他帮了我一个大忙,让我进入卡丁车的世界。

4.With both championships so depcately poised, how much is the team under pressure?由于两个世界冠军都处于微妙的平衡之中,车队身处于多大的压力之下?

5.He is not too far removed from his two scoring championships, and when he catches fire, only Kobe Bryant is a more potent scorer.他并没辱没自己两届得分王的名声,当他手感好时,也只有科比才是个强大的对手。

6.It depends on how much will be required to get him. Three good years for Rockets to compete for Championships.这取决于我们得到他付出的代价。火箭需要三年好时光来完成总冠军。

7.Coffee-makers from around the world gather in London for the World Barista Championships.来自全球的咖啡师们云集伦敦,参加世界咖啡师(Barista)冠军赛。

8.But a year later, at the world championships in Austrapa, she won a gold medal on the vault and signaled her dominance of the apparatus.然而一年以后的澳大利亚世锦赛上,程菲在跳马项目上摘取了金牌,并开始宣称自己在该项目上的统治地位。

9.For Tom and me, this really is about trying to win championships, and that takes commitment, no matter what sport.对于Tom和我来说,这对获得冠军非常重要。这需要承诺,任何运动都是如此。

10.It also marked the start of a period with the Lakers expected to contend for championships for the next half decade at least.这也标志着湖人在下半个十年间成为冠军有力争夺者的时期开端。