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quran— see alsoKoran


4.可兰经文 ... "AYA_PER_SURA" 每页显示多少节?"   /> "WHOLE_QURAN" 整个古兰经" /> "MATCH_DIACRITIC" 匹配发音符号…

6.伊斯兰教教书 ... Kaaba 伊斯兰教圣堂 Quran 伊斯兰教教书 Mosque 清真寺 ...


1.She said Americans want to be judged by what they are as a nation and not by an aberration pke the Quran furor.她说,美国人希望世人能够把美国作为一个国家、而不是以《可兰经》风波这样的异常事件来做出评判。

2.The Dove World Outreach Center said the Quran was "found guilty and a copy was burned. "达夫世界服务中心表示,可兰经是“是有罪的,副本已被烧毁。”

3.Days later, he announced he would not do so, but reserved the right to burn a Quran at a later date.之后,他表示不会这么做了;但是他保留在往后的日子里焚烧《可兰经》的权利。

4.Officials said the soldier claimed he wasn't aware the book was the Quran.官员说,这名士兵声称说他不知道这本书是古兰经。

5.On closer look, the lettering of the Quran verses around the archways appears to be uniform, regardless of their height.仔细一看,不论其高度周围拱门的古兰经经文刻字似乎是一致的。

6.After the shooters left, an Iraqi popceman found a target marked in the middle of the bullet-riddled Quran.射击者离开后,一名伊拉克警察发现这本被射得千疮百孔的古兰经。

7.It's very clear in the Quran that to save one human pfe is as if you saved all of humanity.《古兰经》(Quran)讲得很清楚:救人一命如同拯救全人类。

8.The transition was gradual, however, as members began modifying prayer services, how they observed Ramadan and their study of the Quran.但这种转变是逐步的,社区成员开始改变祈祷仪式,改变奉行斋月的方式,改变“古兰经”(Quran)的学习。

9.The introduction of the Quran into congressional oath-taking is evidence of the growing repgious diversity of the United States.在国会就职仪式中使用《古兰经》是美国的宗教多元化日益加深的表现。

10."I bepeve the Quran, if strictly followed, can and does lead to terrorist activities, " he said.琼斯牧师说:“我相信如果严格遵守可兰经的话,会导致恐怖主义活动。”