




1.改变自己 (Most proud of) 最骄傲的事. (Change yourself) 改变自己. (Love Revolution) 恋爱革命. ...

2.改变你自己 turn about 改变 如果可以请采纳谢谢 change yourself 改变你自己 change 改变 ...

3.改变自我 ... Change yourself, 改变 Change yourself. 改变自我 You can. 可以 ...


1.Maybe you know from experience that trying to change yourself doesn't work. You've read self-help books to no avail.从过去的经历,你或许也知道,尝试改造自己是行不通的,就是钻研自助书籍也无济于事。

2.If it is not so easy to change yourself when you want to, it is not going to be so easy to change the people around you.如果想改变自我都如此伤脑筋,那么要去改变身边的人又谈何容易呢?

3.I'm glad to hear that, I hope you can change yourself from now on, the only thing I can say is stick to yourself.听到这我可真高兴啊。我希望你们都能从现在开始改变,而且我也会督促你们的。

4.Stop trying to change yourself for a relationship that's not meant to be.别为了一段不属于你的感情而试图改变自己。

5.Which one do you think you can change: yourself or other people?你认为你可以改变谁?

6.The world won't make any change for you, you are the only person who can change yourself.这个世界也不会为你而改变,能按照你的想法改变的只有你自己。

7.You cannot change the circumstances, the seasons, or the wind, but you can change yourself.你不能改变环境,季节或者风向,但是你可以改变你自己。

8.Finally one day wake up, they are bruised, so think of to change around, but only that forget trying to change yourself.终于有一天醒悟,却已伤痕累累,于是想到要改变周围,而独独忘了试图改变自己。

9.The world never wait for you. Beginning to change yourself . You can do it. You can control your pfe.世界不会等你。马上改变你的生活!你有这个能力!你的人生由你控制!

10.The objective conditions is not changed, can only change yourself.客观条件是不可改变的,能改变的只有自己。