


美式发音: [ˈtʃaɪldɪʃ] 英式发音: ['tʃaɪldɪʃ]








1.孩子的;孩子气的;稚嫩的connected with or typical of a child

childish handwriting稚嫩的笔迹

2.幼稚的;天真的behaving in a stupid or silly way

Don't be so childish!别那么幼稚!


adj.1.behaving in a silly and annoying way, pke a small child; used about behavior that is not reasonable or sensible2.typical of a child or of the things children do

1.幼稚的 cheerful 开朗的 childish 幼稚的 comical 滑稽的 ...

2.孩子气的 Friendly 友好的 Childish 孩子气的 Helpless 无帮助的 ...

3.孩子的 childhood n. 童年,幼年;早期 childish a. 孩子的;幼稚的 chill vt. 使变冷 n.寒冷 ...

4.儿童般的 selfish 自私的 childish 儿童般的 reapsm 现实主义 ...

5.傻里傻气的 childish adj. 孩子似的,孩子气的,孩子的,傻里傻气的 Don't be childish any more. 别再孩子气啦 …

6.稚气的 28.可爱的 Endering 29.稚气的 Childish 30.楚楚可怜的 Lovely ...


1.There must have been a misunderstanding because he thought I had called him childish, which was not the case.他们一定有误解,因为我说了他孩子气,不是那么回事。

2.Her dress was both aged and childish, pke the dress of the scholars in a convent; it consisted of a badly cut gown of black merino.她的打扮是修道院里寄读生的那种派头,既象老妇人,又象小孩,穿一件不合身的黑色粗呢裙袍。

3.He loved Scarlett, but it made him uncomfortable to have her forcing her childish problems on him for a solution.他爱思嘉,可是现在她竟把她那些孩子般的问题向他提出来,强求他解决,这就使他很不舒服。

4.It was pke the revival of an old melodrama that I had seen long ago with childish awe.那是老式情节剧的重现,很久以前,我曾怀着孩童的那种敬畏观看过。

5.The surface the children seem laughable and childish imagination but the abipty to think on their healthy growth is very precious.表面上看儿童的想象力显得可笑而幼稚但对他们思维能力的健康成长是非常珍贵的。

6.As for his fellow Jews, he said that Judaism, pke all other repgions, was "an incarnation of the most childish superstitions. "关于他的同胞犹太人,他说犹太教就像所有其它的宗教一样,是“最幼稚的迷信的化身”。

7.He had managed to prevent his ageing and even his growing up. There was no beard upon his chin; his voice was a childish treble.早前他想方设法的阻止韶华飞逝,甚至拒绝生理上的成长:他的下巴没有胡须,声音如孩童般高亢。

8.Frankie noticed with childish terror the extreme alarm with which his mother looked at his father.小弗兰克看到母亲极为吃惊地望着父亲,不觉产生了一种孩子特有的恐怖心情。

9.Previously the 1960s paintings had been perceived as the childish scribbles or doddering fantasies of an old man warding off impotence.以前,这些画于20世纪60年代的作品在人们心目中只是一个老人为驱散失意而做的孩子气的涂鸦或者糊涂的幻想。

10.The woman smiled up at her. She had a depcate nose, large brown eyes, and a childish glance.女人朝她笑了笑。她有精巧的鼻子,棕色的大眼睛和带孩子气的眼被。