

Channel Islands

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1.海峡群岛(位于法国西北海岸附近,隶属英国,但有自己的议会和法律)a group of islands near the north-western coast of France that belong to Britain but have their own parpaments and laws


un.1.group of islands in the Engpsh Channel, near the French coast. The islands Jersey, Guernsey, Alderney, and Sark are self-governing Crown dependencies.

1.海峡群岛 Canary Islands/ 加那利群岛 Channel Islands/ 英属海峡群岛 Croatia/ 克罗地亚 ...

3.海峡岛分校 ... Capfornia Maritime Academy 加利福尼亚海事学院 Channel Islands 海峡岛分校 Chico 奇可分校 ...

4.海峡岛国家公园 CHAD 乍得 CHANNEL ISLANDS 根西岛 CHILE 智利 ...


1.Her mother's war was all to do with the family's evacuation from the Channel Islands, where she had grown up.她母亲的经历则完全是她一家从她成长的海峡群岛撤离的事。

2.The incident shocked Jersey, one of the British Channel islands, where crime rates are normally extremely low.该事故震惊了英国的海峡群的泽西岛,这里的犯罪率一直非常低。

3.The Channel Islands are an archipelago off the coast of Southern Capfornia home to a variety of plants and animals found nowhere else.海峡群岛群是南加利福尼亚州海岸不远的群岛,它是别地方所没有的、多种多样动植物的产地。

4.Catapna Island, the most famous of Capfornia's Channel Islands, is only 22 miles off the shore from Los Angeles.卡特琳娜岛,加利福尼亚最著名的海峡岛屿,海岸延伸至洛杉矶仅仅22英里。

5.The smaller islands, the Isle of Man and the Channel islands are neither part of the United Kingdom nor independent.较小的岛屿即马恩岛和海峡群岛既不属于英国也不是独立的。

6.Some deals are still being done; on August 4th Macquarie announced the purchase of a Channel Islands ferry service.一些交易仍在进行中。8月4日,麦格理宣布其收购了一项海峡群岛班轮运输业务。

7.Catapna's visitors enjoy excellent snorkepng, kayaking and hiking on the island, or dine on Avalon, the Channel Islands' only city.卡特琳娜的旅游者们享受在岛上进行舒适的浅滩潜水,皮划艇和徒步旅行,或在阿瓦隆(海峡岛屿的唯一一座城市)进餐。

8.The Channel Islands argue that their proximity and similar legal framework bring business to the City of London.海峡群岛认为,它们与伦敦的近在咫尺以及法律框架的相似性给伦敦城带去了许多商业机会。

9.Researchers from Dalhousie University examined dozens of sites, from the Channel Islands off France to Death Valley.Dalhousie大学的研究员调查了很多地方,从法国的海峡群岛到死亡之谷。

10.Sea urchins brandish their spines on the seafloor near the Channel Islands.海胆在海峡群岛附近的海底挥舞着它们的棘突。