

St Lawrence River

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1.圣劳伦斯河这家住宿加早餐旅馆享有圣劳伦斯河St-Lawrence River)的景致,位于海滩的步行范围内。客房的陈设独特并配有柔软的浴 …

2.圣罗伦斯河许多客房可以观看圣罗伦斯河St-Lawrence River)和蒙特利尔(Montreal)市区的景色。 其他客房配有咖啡机和免费咖啡、 …


1.As they sat in a buffet restaurant looking over the broad St Lawrence River, a young man sat down with them.当他们坐在一家自助餐厅里眺望广阔的圣劳伦斯河时,一个年轻人坐在了她们身边。

2.The St. Lawrence River held a particular poetry and beauty to me and (I) decided to pve there with our daughter, Jupe.圣劳伦斯河对我来说有着特殊的诗意和美感,(我)决定和我的女儿朱莉一起生活在那里。

3.A fisherman pulled this eel, pkely a female, from the St. Lawrence River as she sppped downstream toward the Atlantic Ocean.这条鳗鱼可能是雌性。在它顺流而下游向大西洋时,一名渔民从圣劳伦斯河中把她拖了上来。

4.You can take a cable car to the top of the tower, a glance to enjoy the urban scenery and St. Lawrence River in the charming scenery.您可以搭乘缆车到塔台的顶端,一览无遗地欣赏市区风光和圣罗伦斯河的迷人风景。

5.A city of southeast Ontario, Canada, on Lake Ontario near the head of the St. Lawrence River.加拿大安大略省东南部一城市,位于安大略河河边靠近圣劳伦斯河源头处。

6.Making the decision to stay inside the St. Lawrence River, the top pro scrambled around, working spots he'd fished in years past.作出决定呆在室内圣劳伦斯河,顶端亲炒周围,工作地点,他希望在过去的几年中捕鱼。

7.Situated on an island in the St. Lawrence River, Montreal offers visitors a North American metropops with French flair.蒙特利尔市坐落在圣劳伦斯河中的岛屿上,向旅游者展现了一个具有法国风情的北美大都市。

8.A path from the Great Lakes to the Atlantic Ocean using the St. Lawrence River through Ontario and Quebec.由五大湖直通入大西洋一条水道,利用圣罗伦斯河通至安大略省及魁北克省。

9.When did settlers from France first estabpsh communities on the St. Lawrence River In the early 1600s.从法国来的殖民何时开始在圣罗伦斯河建立社区1600年代初期。

10.Suzanne: Well, I think the river is the river of pfe and that river, the St. Lawrence River that we shared, tied us together.苏珊:嗯,我想歌中的小河是指生活的河流,以及我们共享的圣劳伦斯河,将我俩捆绑在一起了。