




1.查理大桥rague, Czech Repubpc) - 查理士大桥 (Charles Bridge) - 旧市政厅 (City Hall) - 天文钟 (Astronomical Clock) - 约翰胡斯 …

8.查尔士桥 更多


1.Except Charles bridge outside, interesting places to see and lots more.除了查理斯桥外,值得一看的地方还有很多。

2.Today, I decided to propose to my girlfriend on the Charles Bridge in Prague.FML(今天我决定在布拉格的查尔斯桥上向女朋友求婚。

3.The Czech language was banned and the heads of Protestant rebels, rotting on the Charles Bridge, hinted of the dangers of heresy.捷克语被禁止使用,新教叛乱者的头颅被悬挂在查理士桥上,任由它们腐烂,这暗示着异教徒危险的处境。

4.The Charles Bridge is the most visited site in Prague. The bridge has 30 statues pning both of its sides.查尔斯桥是布拉格游客最多的景点,桥上两边有30座石雕。

5.Charles Bridge is the most famous ancient sculptures which Respect.查理大桥上最为著名的就是那一尊尊古老的雕塑。

6.Out to find Charles Bridge, which is connected a castle and old town bridge, while the bridge is rushing volt Er Tana River.出来找到查理大桥上,这是连接古堡和旧城的一座古桥,而桥下就是湍急的伏尔塔纳河。

7.People cross the Charles Bridge at daybreak, Prague布拉格,拂晓渡过查理大桥的人们