


美式发音: [ˌwɔtərˈlu] 英式发音: [ˌwɔːtə(r)ˈluː]





1.[sing]sb's ~最终的失败;毁灭性打击a final defeat for sb

This was the point at which he was to meet his Waterloo .这就是他最终失败之处。


na.1.a battle between the British and the French in 1815 in which the French leader Napoleon Bonaparte was defeated

1.滑铁卢 1 贵湖大学 Guelph 2 华铁卢大学 Waterloo 3 西门菲莎大学 Simon Fraser ...

8.滑铁卢镇滑铁卢镇(Waterloo)距比利时首都布鲁塞尔以南大约二十公里。与欧洲其他国家的许许多多小镇一样, 滑铁卢镇古朴而宁静, …


1.Or during the day, I found a book in the famous dream of "Waterloo Bridge" , will run round home mother for money.还是白天,我在书店发现了梦寐以求的名著《魂断蓝桥》,便跑回家缠着妈妈要钱。

2.After suffering heavy losses, Napoleon was forced to leave Waterloo and later surrender to the British.损失惨重的拿破仑被迫撤军滑铁卢,随后又向不列颠投降。

3.Working out of an old barn with a payroll of five , we start handcrafting steel bikes in Waterloo, Wisconsin.1976年,只有从一家旧谷仓出来的五个人,我们开始在威斯康星州的沃特卢开始手工制造金属自行车。

4.When he arrived at the corner of Dundas and Waterloo Streets, a young man pressed a book into his hands.当他走到登打士街和滑铁卢街的夹角处时,一个年轻人往他手里塞了本小册子。

5.Do you know rabbits do not eat grass-Waterloo is not just a moral issue or a philosophical problem.你知不知道兔子不吃窝边草不仅仅是一道德问题,还是一哲学问题。

6.Unfortunately the taxi got stuck in a traffic jam, and by the time I got to Waterloo, the train had just gone.不幸的是,出租车遇到了交通阻塞,等我到滑铁卢的时候,火车刚好离开。

7.Villus child to be placed in a carton, the middle cushion some rags, fed after Add to Waterloo, Waterloo will be placed in the dark.绒毛雏可先安置在一只纸盒内,中间垫些碎布,喂过后放入窝中,将窝置于暗处。

8.The stakes in the turnaround effort go beyond the company's tidy, corporate campus in Waterloo, Ontario, a few hours' drive from Toronto.RIM状况能否好转,不仅仅关系到其公司本身。RIM位于加拿大安大略省滑铁卢市,开车至多伦多有几个小时的路程。

9.And even the tiger-hunt story was put aside for more stirring narratives which he had to tell about the great campaign of Waterloo.关于了不起的滑铁卢大战他知道许多掌故,讲出来十分动听,连猎虎的故事也只知靠后了。

10.Pedestrians were surprised to see me on this blue-grey contraption heading across Waterloo Bridge and to work.路上的行人看见我骑着蓝灰色的新玩意穿越滑铁卢大桥前去工作,都相当诧异。