

Charles II

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1.查理二世ista de Puno),后来为了对西班牙统治者查理斯二世Charles II)表示敬意而更名为“圣·卡洛斯·德·普诺”(San Carlos de Pu…

4.英王查尔斯二世不只庶民相信食人疗法,英王查尔斯二世(Charles II)也付了不少钱从爱尔兰找到一批头骨,将它们磨成粉加入酒品中,而这些 …

5.英国国王查尔斯二世每年10月27日 查尔斯橡树座 位于船尾座尾部,于1678年由Edmond Halley命名,以纪念英国国王查尔斯二世Charles II)。 …

6.英国查理二世公元1600年到1700年︰英国查理二世(Charles II) 从怀特霍而( Whitehall, 英国伦敦西敏内的一条道路) 走到汉姆顿皇宫(Hampto…


1.The Spanish branch of the family is now close to extinction, as Charles II has failed to produce an heir, among his other problems.由于问题多多的查尔斯二世绝嗣,西班牙哈布斯堡王室的延续面临着窘境。

2.Across the Channel, a restored monarchy under Charles II was trying to find its feet.海峡对岸,查理二世的复辟王朝正竭力在国内站稳脚跟。

3.His wife is a descendant of Charles II and his mistress Nell Gwynn.他的妻子是查尔斯二世和其情人NellGwynn的后代。

4.Charles II himself was a reasonable and unrevengeful man with a sound instinct against making famous martyrs.查理二世本人是通情达理的,没有报复之心,具有反对杀害知名人物的健全天性。

5.For hundreds of years before the reign of Charles II, judges and lawyers were expected to come to court with short hair and a beard.在查理二世统治之前的数百年间,法官和律师都要留着短发和胡须出庭。

6.The Black Prince's Ruby, for instance, was sold for 4 pounds, but it was returned to the crown after the restoration of Charles II.例如黑太子的红宝石,曾以4英镑的价格被卖出,但它在查理二世复辟之后又重新回到了王室手中。

7.England's King Charles II granted a charter to Wilpam Penn for an area of land that later became Pennsylvania.年,英国国王查理二世授予威廉佩恩一块土地,后来成为宾夕法尼亚。

8.Long ago, King Charles II of England added the colony's coat of arms to his shield.很久以前,英国国王查尔斯二世在他的盾牌上添加上了该殖民地的徽章。

9.England's Charles II, defeated by Cromwell at Worcester, fled to France, destitute and friendless .英国国王查理二世在伍斯特被克伦威尔打败,出逃到法国。

10.Ashley had led a revolt against Charles II and, faced with charged of treason, had fled to Holland.阿什利曾率领反抗查尔斯二世,并面临叛国罪指控,逃到荷兰。