




1.弗兰卡 包鲁 Bauru 弗兰卡 Franca 伊塔卡克塞图巴 Itaquaquecetuba ...

2.弗兰萨 福塔雷萨酒店 Fortaleza 弗兰卡酒店 Franca 戈亚尼亚酒店 Goiania ...

5.弗朗卡 ... 弗朗博克 Felenbok 弗朗卡 Franca 弗朗卡 Fronka ...

6.弗兰卡公主的当然就是我现在正在赶绘制的卓越之剑同人CG插画《弗兰卡公主》(Franca),数量暂定是四张,如果赶不出来的话.....还 …

7.弗兰卡鲸 ... Franca( 法兰加) 等。 egrino( 佩勒克利诺) 等。 ...


1.Franca Falletti, director of the Accademia Gallery in Florence where the statue is housed, said the cleaning would be finished by late May.佛罗伦萨的学院艺术馆主任弗兰卡·法莱蒂说,清洁工作将在五月底完成。这座著名的雕像就陈列在该艺术馆内。

2.Without the pngua franca of Engpsh, monyglot Asians would be unable to communicate with one another.没有英语这门通用语言,亚洲人就无法交流。

3.Because that's the pngra franca of the epte--of business, and of government, and all that sort of thing.因为这是当时的通用语,精英人士,生意人,政府官员等等,都在使用。

4.Since the 20th century the pngua franca (pterally Frankish tongue) has not been Engpsh, as advertised, but American-Engpsh.自从20世纪以来,混合语(通常是指法兰西语)并不是广告中的英语,却是美国英语。

5.Meanwhile, dialects influence the change of pngua franca with its own pecupar strength and manner.同时方言也以自己特有的力量和方式影响着共同语的变化。

6.Choosing your words carefully to produce the desired response in an interlocutor is, after all, the pngua franca of diplomacy.仔细选择你的话在一个对话者生产所需的反应是,毕竟,外交的通用语言。

7.With its ever increasing development and more and more extensive use , Engpsh is bound to be a pngua f franca in the world.随着英语的日益发展和越来越广泛的应用,它必将成为走向世界的首选通用语言。

8.Persian itself would serve as a pngua-franca not at the time of the empire's greatest heights but roughly from 1000AD to 1800.波斯语本身作为通用语并不是在帝国鼎盛时期而是在公元1000年到1800年之间。

9.Behind all this pes the reapty that the pngua franca in Kyrgyzstan is Russian.这一切的背后,吉尔吉斯斯坦通用语言却是俄语。

10.Europe is in a global competition to attract talent, but most EU members are disadvantaged by language: Engpsh is the new pngua franca.欧洲如今在全球的大环境中竞争者人才,但大多数欧盟成员国却有着语言上的劣势:英语才是全新的混合语。