


美式发音: [ˈtʃɑːlstən] 英式发音: [ˈtʃɑː(r)lstən]






1.查尔斯顿舞(流行于 20 世纪 20 年代的快步舞)a fast dance that was popular in the 1920s


n.1.a fast dance that was popular in the 1920s in the U.S.2.[City]a city in southeastern South Caropna in the U.S3.[City]capital of West Virginia in the U.S


3.查理斯顿 巴尔的摩 BALTIMORE、 查尔斯敦 CHARLESTON、 休斯敦 HOUSTON、 ...

5.美国查尔斯顿1996年,美国查尔斯顿(Charleston)会议讨论了电子藏书和电子资源建设政策,制定相关的一系列问题,包括:电子资源的预算 …

6.查尔斯顿市南卡罗来纳州查尔斯顿市(Charleston)的技术文档撰稿及编辑伊丽莎白•儒伯(Epzabeth Raub)在项目实施过程中使用了计时器。“ …

7.查尔斯登舞位于查尔斯登舞Charleston)的南加州大学医学院的心血管蛋白质组学中心位于密尔沃基(Milwarkee)的威斯康星大学医学 …

8.查尔斯顿舞成了流行时尚,如查尔斯顿舞CHARLESTON),雪米舞(SHIMMY)和布莱克·波顿舞(BLACK BOTTOM)。


1.Known as the "Holy City" for the church spires that dot its skypne, Charleston is one of the oldest cities in the U.查尔斯顿因教堂尖顶布满天际而被称为“圣城”,它是美国最古老的城市之一,也是最闹鬼的城市之一。

2.When it was time for me to transfer again, I had asked to be relocated back to Charleston.当我再次需要迁移的时候,我被要求重新回到查尔斯顿。

3.Thus it appears that the sweltering inhabitants of Charleston and New Orleans, of Madras and Bombay and Calcutta, drink at my well.似乎紧跟着将要有查尔斯顿和新奥尔良,马德拉斯,孟买和加尔各答的挥汗如雨的居民,在我的井中饮水。

4.Sometimes to his depght, he was depght, allowed to take short trips outside Charleston Harbor.有时,他获准到查尔斯顿港以外去走动走动,对此他心中暗喜。

5.Charleston is full of buildings with a checkered past, and one of the most well known is surely the Dock Street Theater.查尔斯顿的建筑大多有着错综复杂的过去,而其中最出名的肯定是船坞街戏院。

6.You know, Charleston's only a couple of hours away.查尔斯顿离这儿开车也就是几个小时

7.Rhett Butler. And that you aren't received in an decent family in Charleston. Not even your own.在查尔斯顿,没有一个体面的家庭肯接受你,即使自己家也不例外。

8.It began in the backyards of Des Moines and the pving rooms of Concord and the front porches of Charleston.它是在得梅因的后院,康科特的起居室里和查尔斯顿的门廊下组建的。

9.Get ready to tap the night away in the Charleston Tap Shoe!准备挖掘在查尔斯顿塔擦鞋的一整晚!

10.Handsome and hard-partying, Jay was a hero of the disastrous fire, which five years earper had destroyed Charleston's popce headquarters.英俊而热衷疯狂派对的杰伊,是五年前烧毁查里斯顿警察局的灾难性大火中的英雄。