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1.查理 Charles 查尔斯; 查理 Charley 查利 Charlotte 夏洛蒂; 夏洛特 ...

3.查理号 ... 10.霍普曼: Hopman 11.查莉Charley 12.丘子若: Cho Zirow ...

6.陈斌点击播放陈斌Charley)老师的零风险承诺我们的课程一定会让你100%满意,我非常确定,你会100%满意!所以,让我打消盘旋在 …


1.eg: Charley gave us a bad recommendation when he said that new rock group from England is so great.查理向我们推荐说,那个从英国来的新的摇滚乐乐队简直是太好了。他的推荐实在是个错误。

2.Charley sure gave us a bad recommendation when he said that new rock group from England is so great.这人说:查理向我们推荐说,那个从英国来的新的摇滚乐队简直是太好了。他的推荐实在是个错误。

3.Like all real heroes, Charley had a fatal flaw. He refused to bepeve that he had gonorrhea, whereas the truth was that he did.就像所有真正的主人公,查理也有一个致命的缺点。他拒绝相信自己有淋病,而事实是他真的有。

4.Charley, Charley, Stole the barley Out of the baker's shop. The baker came out And gave him a clout, Which made poor Charley hop.查理竟然偷大麦,面包房里偷出来。面包师,追上来,用刀一拳打过来,查理一瘸又一拐。

5.Charley, good to see you! Say, let's do lunch next week. I have some idea I want you to hear. I'll ring you up to set a date.查理,见到你很高兴,喂,下星期我们一起吃午饭吧!我有些新想法想讲给你听听,我会给你打电话再约定时间的。

6.The Dodger said nothing more but led Charley Bates into the house and up the stairs. When Fagin saw the m enter, he rose to his feet.神偷没再说什么,领着查理·贝茨进了屋,上了楼。费金见他们回来了,就站了起来。

7.John contradicted everything I said before the assembled company, and made me look a proper charley.在大庭广众面前,我说一句约翰反驳一句,弄得我活像个大傻瓜。

8."I wouldn't! " cried Charley. "I want to be a frog! " He stuck out his tongue, missing a bug flying by the end of his nose.“我不愿意,我宁愿做一只青蛙,”查理嚷道,一只虫子从他鼻尖飞过,他伸出舌头,却没抓住。

9.Again Wanda waved her wand. "Look, Charley, musicians, " she said.旺达没有办法,她又挥动她的魔法棒,“看啊,查理,乐师”她说。

10.Charley: [picks up the cards and goes to the door]Allright!查利:[收起牌,朝门口走]好吧!