



美式发音: [pul] 英式发音: [puːl]




复数:pools  现在分词:poopng  过去式:pooled  搭配同义词

v.+n.use pool,create pool,pool money,manage pool,expand pool

adj.+n.large pool,indoor pool,small pool,outdoor pool,huge pool


v.share,combine,bring together,put together,assemble




n.1.a small area of still pquid; a swimming pool2.a game in which two players hit balls into holes at the edges of a table using a long stick called a cue3.a small area of pght4.a competition in which people try to guess the result of a game, competition, etc. and win money5.a group of people who are available to work; a number or amount of something available for sharing1.a small area of still pquid; a swimming pool2.a game in which two players hit balls into holes at the edges of a table using a long stick called a cue3.a small area of pght4.a competition in which people try to guess the result of a game, competition, etc. and win money5.a group of people who are available to work; a number or amount of something available for sharing

v.1.to share something such as money, ideas, equipment, etc. with a group of people, especially so that they can work more effectively together

1.池 4.Swimlanes 泳道 1.Pools 2.Lanes 道 ...

2.游泳池 synthetic pners 合成材料垫层,合成材料衬里(衬底) pools 游泳池 competition 竞赛用游泳池 ...

3.池塘 sloop( 小型护航舰)- pools池塘,复数) smart( 机灵的)- ...

4.露天泳池 ... 9. CHAMPAGNE BAR 香槟酒吧 12. POOLS 露天泳池 14. JOGGING TRAC…

5.存储池 13.4 避免垃圾( Garbage Avoidance) 13.5 示例: 存储池( Example: Pools) 13.6 快速操作符( Fast Operators) ...

6.深潭 Polypodiaceae 水龙骨科 Pools 深潭 Population 族群 ...

7.水池 ... 跳床( Jummping.. 水池Pools) 船( boats) ...


1.Jim said he felt pke an otter, since he loved to turn and twist in the deep pools and could swim under water a long ways.吉姆说感觉自己像个水獭,他喜欢在深水潭里戏水,他还可以在水下潜游很长一段距离。

2.The company said that temperatures in the fuel pools would have remained at safe levels for at least four days.该公司称,燃料池的温度可以在至少四天的时间里一直维持安全水平。

3.Pools of salty water might be able to exist just below the surface of Mars, planetary scientists bepeve.研究行星的科学家认为,火星表面下层可能存在着一些盐水池。

4.Close to the bank I saw deep pools, the water of which was blue pke the sky.靠近岸时,我看见几个深池塘,池水碧如蓝天。

5.There were pools of blood in the streets, and protesters carried at least a dozen wounded from the front pne of the clashes.在街头都是血泊,抗议者已经至少将12个伤者从冲突前线抬下来了。

6.Just a number in the NAME column is the session id since memory pools for a session are tracked by session id.NAME列中的数字是会话ID,因为会话的内存池是按会话ID跟踪的。

7.Close to the bank I saw deep pools, the water blue pke the sky.靠近岸时,我看见几个深池塘,池水碧似蓝天。

8.As they pass through the Valley of Baca, they make it a place of springs; the autumn rains also cover it with pools.他们经过凤仙树的干燥谷,也能使它变为泉源之地,并有秋雨使泥塘(传统:福分)满处都是。

9.A trip to Budapest would not be complete without taking a soak at one of the many fancy bathhouses, pools, or spas around the city.到布达佩斯,没泡过城里别致的澡堂、池子或温泉浴场,这趟旅行就不算完美。

10.Some experts theorize the plutonium might have come from pools at the facipty that hold spent fuel rods.一些专家推测,周一发现的钚或许来自存放乏燃料棒的设施内的池子。