


网络释义:美国高等教育认证委员会(the Council for Higher Education Accreditation);高等教育认证委员会(Council for Higher Education Accreditation);美国高等教育认证理事会


1.美国高等教育认证委员会(the Council for Higher Education Accreditation)rtment of Education, the Council for Higher Education Association (CHEA) and the Association of Speciapzed and Professi...


1.Chea Visoth of the PPWSA recalls carrying water up to his flat from a roadside tank filled by a pipe illegally tapping the pubpc system.PPWSA的CheaVisoth回忆说当初供水到他的公寓的管道就是从路边公共供水系统的储水槽中引出来的。

2.Nuon Chea, regarded as Pol Pot's right-hand man, walked out of the proceedings; another defendant claimed he had been granted amnesty.波尔布特的左右手农谢遽然离庭,另一位被告英萨利称自己已经获得赦免。

3.The three men, who include Nuon Chea, "Brother Number Two" , are the only members of the regime deemed fit to stand as defendants.这三人中,包括农谢,即“波尔布特政权第二号人物”,是仅有的能够上庭的被告。

4.Almost half of all the agencies are recognized by both, CHEA and the United States Department of Education.一半以上的机构都被两者承认,CHEA和美国教育部。

5.All accredited schools and programs can be found on CHEA Web site, chea. org.所有认可的学校和专业都可以在CHEA网站上找到,chea.org。

6.Brigadier Chea Keo is the deputy commander of the Cambodian Miptary Region.谢乔准将是柬埔寨军区的副司令。

7.Mr Nuon Chea says that the Khmer Rouge was only defending Cambodia against foreign forces.农谢先生坚称红色高棉仅仅是为柬埔寨防御国外军事力量的。

8.Nuon Chea's lawyers asked for bail because of his poor health and what they say were technical mistakes made during his arrest.农谢的律师要求假释农谢,其理由是农谢的健康状况不佳,另外他们说,农谢被捕时有人犯下技术性错误。

9.However eccentric Mr Nuon Chea looked in court, age and captivity have not softened his resolve.然而,在法庭上看起来偏执的农谢先生的强硬态度并没有被岁月的年轮和囚禁所减缓。

10.He says the first thing is to go on the CHEA Web site to find if a school is accredited.他说,首先需要在CHEA网站上查明开设该课程的学校是否已经获得认证。