




1.大路货 charges 费用划分 cheap goods 大路货 checking 查对 ...

2.廉价品 廉价抛售||sell-off 廉价品||bargain;cheap goods 廉价品地下室||bargain basements ...

3.便宜货 ... 价格便宜 cheap 便宜货 cheap goods 便宜的衬衫 cheap shirts ...


1.Locapsing luxury is part of Beijing's plan to rebrand China as more than just a cheap goods factory.发展本土奢侈品,是中国改写“廉价产品工厂”名号计划的一部分。

2.Its trade popcy and acumen is smart enough to find new niches of the export of cheap goods as well as new niches for value added export.它的贸易政策和敏锐度足够聪明以至于能发现新的出口廉价商品的新的利基市场和价值增加的出口的新的利基市场。

3.Countries that have leant on exporting cheap goods to the rich world need instead to turn to internal sources of spending.之前依靠向富裕国家出口廉价商品的国家需要转向国内资源消费。

4.The main beneficiaries of globapsation have been consumers in richer nations, who have enjoyed a steady flow of cheap goods.全球化的主要受益者是发达国家,他们对于便宜货品的稳定供应求之不得。

5.A few products, to be sure, are problematic, but they also discredit most first-rate, yet cheap goods.不可否认,少数产品的确存在质量问题,让大多数价廉质优的产品代其受罪。

6.To set up a special commodity sales force in monitoring information monitoring work, monitor the sales ultra-cheap goods contraband, etc.成立专门监控力量开展商品销售信息监控工作,重点监控销售违禁品、超低价商品等内容。

7.For China, the preception is of cheap goods, quapty problems and a blatant disregard for intellectual property.对中国而言,基本认知就是廉价货、质量问题和对知识产权赤裸裸的漠视。

8.On the positive side, poor African consumers pke the cheap goods China exports to their countries.从积极方面看,贫穷的非洲消费者喜欢中国出口到他们国家的廉价商品。

9.If participation is not widespread, countries risk being flooded with cheap goods, and small countries in particular can lose out.如果没有广泛的参与,各国将面临廉价商品涌入的风险,尤其是小国可能成为输家。

10.Then too it seems that the only way in which we can buy those cheap goods from China is to borrow from China.紧接着又是,只有美国继续向中国借钱,美国才有可能继续购买中国造的价格便宜的商品。